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Everything posted by Snowbull

  1. I offer 170k! Wait this is me selling! Bump then
  2. hi willing to sell this shiny dragonite. Insta price: 25m Open to any offers will sell when im happy or insta price is reached. Good luck.
  3. Good luck waiting
  4. I didn’t scan anybody first of all, that was a valuation we agreed together. I really think that is the price for it, but I found funny that You came in my topic saying it was worth much less and that you have seen many going for 4m or less and now I try to get 6m. Be humble
  5. Do you have to ruin every player topic by giving away useless informations or?
  6. Nice way to take away the “negative influence of the fake money” but still giving them shiny is not really fair
  7. 6m cradily? I think that is really overpriced “i’ve Seen many going for 3m less”
  8. Nice pok, good luck selling
  9. hi, willing to buy epic adamant kabutops and mild/rash dragonite. Payng up to 10m each, thank you. IGN: snowbull
  10. exactly, is just to give a little help, 1 stat only per legendaries.
  11. i think i expressed my self badly, you can do that with 1 stat only every legendary.
  12. Hi, i have a suggestion, since rerolling legendaries really cost a lot of pvp coins i suggest to make it a little bit easyer in this way... Before, we coudln't lock ivs to reroll so what i suggest is that for every legendary, we can choose 1 stat to reroll let me explain better. for example, pa 150 pvp coins to reroll only speed and the other ivs doesn't change, that would be 150 pvp coins for 1 stat only but at least if u get very close to a good one with the normal rerolls, u can do that. i hope u appriciate the idea. have fun
  13. Like the idea of the anonymous player but there could be a problem, double account in pvp since you do not know who you are playing against, but I like the idea
  14. If you are holding choice ban, the damage you deal with a crit or without a crit is the same. There is no extra damage when you crit the enemy. 100% sure tested in many pvp
  15. no, enemy cant put 2 pokemon to sleep BUT if u hit something with the ability to make u sleep then im not sure how it works here
  16. finally after 20 threads....my dream is going to come true
  17. What do Italian's eat on Halloween? Fettucinni Afraid-o Npc name: Drunked Fisherman Team: 6x gyarados
  18. Hi there, im here to sell this beast sweeper. IGN:snowbull Bid will last for 3 days! starting price: 2m Instant price: 5m gl to everybody
  19. If i delete heatran, can i then beat nikola and catch another?
  20. IGN : Snowbull Answer 1 : Azelf Answer 2 : The Triforce of Zelda
  21. i don't know who make the pvp rules but...if that's not game changing then tell me what is game changing lol. drain punch is just a visual bug and is banned meanwhile this literally changes a game especially with azelf now and is not banned, pls ban it.
  22. if an opponent use explosion and you are full hp with focus sash, instead of surviving with 1 hp, you die, thx for your attention
  23. wanna make the game fair? add the nature reroll or ban the legendaris ( every legendaries) from PvP, thats the only way.
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