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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. no thank u speeder
  2. Username: Cyanirl Server: Gold Country/Timezone: gmt +2
  3. Dont forget that a guy with negative wr got ladder last season. Anyone can ladder
  4. nop u realize that u dont need to click a super effective move to kill a mons ?
  5. 1. Bad idea? Unless u want to get 25min q time ? 2. Clef is not broken, ur team is just bad / u are bad. Clef is a really good mons, but it is definitly not ban worthy. Mawile/sableye are definitly ban worthy
  6. I’d buy the petilil msg me on discord: milkmanrave
  7. Sold already
  8. msg me on discord: MILKMANRAVE
  9. sold already
  10. removed Swampert: Relaxed, 25+
  11. msg me on discord: MILKMANRAVE
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