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Everything posted by Deita

  1. 8Hrs~ Left
  2. 2m Start, 100k Raise, 48 Hrs CC = 430k, RR = 730k
  3. Kommo-o, Dragonite and Ferrothorn sold.
  4. Conkeldurr, Clawitzer, Dragonite, Sharpedo and Ferrothorn sold.
  5. Amoonguss, Swampert, Scizor and Serperior x2 sold.
  6. @rhev Hi, yes our pvp council will be responsible for splitting the two tiers, and its been brought up already. We're not copying showdown. Edit: the man has spoken just read the above post :Y
  7. "I thought we'd play two or three normal seasons and then one UU and LC random season" I like this idea most of all. Personally I voted for "Definitely every three months" only because it was the closest thing, I think it may be the case for other people as well. Personally I'd be a fan of 2-3 months OU/1 Month UU. I love the idea of UU, but I think OU and ag randoms will always be the star of the show.
  8. Volcarona, Tentacruel, Rotom, Scizor, Arcanine and Goodra sold.
  9. start 100k
  10. Start 600k Insta 2m 100k Raise, 48 Hrs
      • 1
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  11. Shiny Alakazam, Shiny Kingdra and Halloween Shiftry sold.
  12. Nidoking x3, Dragonite, Diggersby, Chandelure x2, Amoonguss, Lopunny, Rotom, Heracross, Azumarill x3, Pelipper, Swampert, Magnezone, Breloom sold.
  13. Buy machamp.
  14. Breloom is already sold sorry! I'll try and get the shop updated sometime in the next hour, it's REALLY out of date xD
  15. Sure. my discord is Deita#0246
  16. Hi, I can go down to 450k for azu.
  17. WTB 27/25 120k abra My discord is Deita#0246 In game name is deita
  18. Really like that idea, nice man!
  19. 4.2m
  20. 4.1m
  21. 4m
  22. 3.8m
  23. 3.6m
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