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Everything posted by Rajkkapadia

  1. Would you start at 20m?
  2. Rajkkapadia gold rank 21 Ist
  3. If time left 300k on jellicent
  4. +1
  5. Shinyriolu1 rank 21 gold Gmt -5
  6. I can offer 1 nature rr (300k)for marill and if you don’t accept then I’ll offer 200k in cash
  7. Username : rajkkapadia gold gmt-5
  8. Player name: shinyriolu1 server: gold timezone gmt -5 rank 5
  9. Hi iam on 446 on gold rajkkapadia. Can you reduce my rating to 400 ?
  10. would you be open to trade it for 12m?
  11. How much for the shiny serp?
  12. hi would you be willing to sell it for 10m?
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