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Everything posted by Contrary

  1. Hello, I would like to inform you that I recovered your Whimsicott. Pay more attention in the future! May it happen again in the future make a post in the Restore Pokemon Megathread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  2. Hello, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. Did you try to delete the game and install it again from here? Sometimes this fixes little bugs. Let me know if it worked. Kind regards, Contrary
  3. Hello, I would like to know for what purpose you are asking to delevel the Houndoom, since we never delevel Pokemons that aren't level 100. If it is related to a quest, I would like to inform you that you have to train a new one. Looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  4. Hello @PVPKING1, I would like to inform you that there is a fresh now Tailwind tutor added in Violet city house 1. Good luck and have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary Locked as resolved.
  5. Hello @Kredo, I want to inform you that I decline your request. With the following reason: before you go to Sinnoh the NPC asks you twice if you are sure you want to go and mentions that you can't return untill you finish the region. You agreed with this, so for now you can't return before you beat the 8 gyms. Also because you moved to Sinnoh Hannah disappeared so if you get ported out it will be almost impossible to get you back there. Here is a Sinnoh walkthrough which can help you race through the region. I wish you good luck! Have a nice day. Kind regards, Contrary
  6. Helllo, I would like to inform you that the server is back up! In the future check #announcements channel in PRO discord for server status. Have a good day! Locked as resolved.
  7. Hello, Good to see your issue got solved. We are aware of the issue and informed the developers about it. They will have a look into it and hopefully fix it. I wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  8. Great to hear that your issue got resolved, I will lock this thread now. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  9. Hello @Zephiroth That is indeed the reason your server transfer got declined, since you lend Pokemon to another user. But no worry! Once your Pokemon return make sure to let me know in this thread and we will make sure to still fulfill your server transfer request. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  10. No problem! Locking this thread now as it's resolved. Have a good day!
  11. Hello @kangkilung, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. It seems like there was some sort of bug while you were battling this boss. Could you please describe what happened in your screenshots and when you face this boss? Looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day!
  12. Hello @Mithream. I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. I would like to inform you that this is normal once you change your name. Your issue will be solved once the server restarts or a crash happens. I hope I informed you well on the matter and wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  13. Hello @ZarZJuega, I would like to inform you that you didn't lose twice the recoil, since this is how it looks for everyone in PRO. I totally understands that it looks a little confusing. If you have any other question or you calculated the recoil and it is doubled, let me know. Kind regards, Contrary
  14. No problem! Since your issue is solved I will lock this thread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  15. Hello @YNOSVT, I would like to inform you that getting the sinnoh complete dex allows you to catch a latios or latias, since for catching one of these you need around 300 evolutions. In this Legendary megathread you can check the requirements and guide for catching every legendary in the game. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  16. Hello, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. Just as a check, did you talk with Christoph in the first room of the daycare? Christoph is the man who learns your Pokemon Egg Moves and indeed Conkeldurr should learn it. Please confirm to me if you have spoken to him and screenshot if he doesn't show the move in his list of moves you can learn. Looking forward to your reply. Kind regards, Contrary
  17. Hello, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. I would like to inform you that your issue will get solved/heard faster if you post the trouble you have catching Darkrai(or anything related to catching it) HERE. Head to the thread and make a post explaining your issue and a Content scripter will help you. Have a good day! Locking this thread for now. (Don't forget to post your issue on the thread I linked) Kind regards, Contrary
  18. Hello @LeoFlo24, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. Could you please elaborate a little more about your issue and the bug you are talking about? What happened to you? Please describe as specific as possible. Also, you can get to the halloween map from any region from the following cities: Vermilion (Kanto), Slateport (Hoenn), Canalave (Sinnoh) and Olivine City (Johto). Looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  19. Hello, I deleveled your Horsea to level 98. Next time please post it in the Deleveling Megathread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  20. Hello @Funn, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. Could you please elaborate a little more on the issue? What exactly did you lose? Did you log off yourself or was there a server crash? Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards, Contrary
  21. Oh alright. Well now you know that not only legendary Pokemon but also psuedo legendaries spawn there. I will lock the thread now since your issue is solved. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  22. Hello @darkstylzor, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused and for the late reply. According to our tools you logged in today, so I assume the issue is solved now. Could you confirm this for me? Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards, Contrary
  23. Hello @Electro008, I am sorry for the caused inconvenience. I assume the issue is solved since you faced a Volcarona on birth island. Can you confirm this for me? Looking forward to hear from you. Kind regards, Contrary
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