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Everything posted by Contrary

  1. Hello there! I am sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please tell me what Pokemon we are talking about and maybe make a screenshot of the Pokemon cards? This would make it easier for us to solve the issue. Looking forward to hear from you! I wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  2. Hello! Great to see the issue got solved! I will proceed to close this thread now. If you have any other question feel free to ask! I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  3. Hello @Hobopork, I'm sorry about the inconvenience. I would like to inform you as first that you can change your password from HERE, something you already did, but can you please retry. Please, remember to check the junk mail and make sure to the email correctly. Also, take note that the email could take up to 30 minutes to be received. If this didn't work you can try it using a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome, this might help. If after all this you should not receive the email, could you please try to repeat the same procedure from your smartphone please. In case you should receive the email, please remember to select an alphanumerical password (characters from A to Z and 0 to 9) in order to fix the "invalid username-password" issue. Let me know if you have been successful in solving your issue and if you have any other questions. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  4. Hello guys! I am sorry for the inconvenience, I would like to inform you that the server was down at that moment. We had some server problems and still do, but they are up and running now. Nevertheless, our developers are aware of the issue and there will be an update soon where many, things in the server code will be reworked and this should be enough to fix a lot of things. It can occur that the server goes down again from time to time but please have patience and check Official PRO Discord for the server status as the stability will be announced there. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  5. Hello @impactcs10, I am sorry for the inconvenience. I agree that the server has been unstable the last 2 week and so I understand the frustration/feelings certain players carry at the moment. I would like to inform you that our developers are already working on solving these issues, but unfortunately it is not really easy and it can take up some time before they are solved. For that reason there isn't really an ETA on when the servers will be fully stable. So to come back to this, our developers are aware of the issue and there will be an update soon where many things in the server code will be reworked and this should be enough to fix a lot of things. I hope I informed you well on the matter and you can work with this. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  6. Hello there @MarcoSick, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please tell me what mount we are talking about? This will make it easier for met to look it up. Also, please check if no Pokemon is holding it. I am looking forward to hear your reply and wish you a nice day! Kind regards, Contrary
  7. Hello @heolom1, I am sorry for the inconvenience. There is a server code issue at the moment that it causing this bug. Our developers are looking into it and it will be fixed soon. To help the process, could you please tell me where you caught these Pokemon that show the 'Unknown' tag? On what route precise? I am looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  8. Hello @MisterCrabs, I am sorry for the inconvenience. There is a server code issue at the moment that it causing this bug. Our developers are looking into it and it will be fixed soon. To help the process, could you please tell me where you caught your Taillow and Marill? On what route precise? I am looking forward to hear from you. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  9. Hello @NxScrysios77, I am sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please try to let the Haunter faint and then try it again? So first let it faint in a battle and afterwards try trading it again with a user. Let me know if it worked! I wish you a good day. Kind regards, Contrary
  10. Hello @NoKaNa, I would like to inform you that you can get the Ice stone as a reward from the Lorelei boss. Please keep in mind that it is a chance and not a certainty. Here you can find info about Lorelei boss. You can also try to buy a Ice stone in the Trade zone or the in-game Trade chat. If you have any other questions feel free to ask! I wish you a nice day! Kind regards, Contrary
  11. Hello and welcome to PRO Max!
  12. Hello and welcome back to PRO! I hope you have a wonderful time here! Kind regards, Contrary
  13. Hello and welcome back to PRO! I hope your exams went well! Kind regards, Contrary
  14. Hello @GreaseLincoln, I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. When you're trying to connect to the game while it being online and you get a "Can't connect to the server" message, could you please try to totally reset your router and internet connection and let me know if it solves your issue? If not, please check with the following questions. Please notify me if this helped, I am looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, Contrary
  15. Hello @Kukuhprast, I would like to notify you that your Pokemon is restored. You can find it in your PC storage. Please double check what Pokemon you delete as it can prevent such mistakes from happening. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  16. Hello [uSER=1628448]@Ijjiman1[/uSER], Sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that I removed the locked Pokemon from your party to the last slots in your pc. The only Pokemon you should have in your party right now is your Johto starter Cyndaquill. Whenever you go to a new region, the Pokemon from the previous region will be locked untill you gained your 8th gym badge. Once you gained the 8th gym badge in any region, you can use Pokemon from previous regions. They are very useful for against the E4 or quests you want to do. Anyways, I wish you good luck with your Johto adventures! Please do ask if you have any other questions. Have a nice day! Greetings, Contrary
  17. Hello @Etoo. I would like to inform you that is not the right place nor right format on how to report a player. Reporting a player should be done in the Report Center. Make sure to read the How to Report thread so you do it right and staff can come in action against the offender. As I can't be of any help right now, I will close this thread. If you have any other questions, please ask them in the right sub-forum. I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  18. Hello @Ravioliking and @kangoeroe, I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. Gold server was down for some time, because we had technical difficulties. It is back online now. I would like to inform you that our developers are already working on solving these server crash issues by implementing a new code scripted in Python and try to make the server as stable as possible, but unfortunately it isn't really easy and it can take a bit of time to solve them. Please stay patient when the server is down, as we try to bring back up as soon as possible when this happens. As the issue has been solved, I will now close this thread. Have a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  19. Hello @Beaches, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I can see that you merged your account correctly and the main silver you picked is silver. This problem is normally caused due to your password. You will need to reset your password in the DASHBOARD, please ensure that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z and from 0 to 9). Let me know if it fixed your problem Kind regards. Contrary
  20. Hello @ThikckAvocado, I am sorry for the inconvenience. I just tested it myself and it seems you are right. Caught Pokemon in Route 104 show 'Unknown' as region and can't be stored in your storage. I will forward this to a Content scripter so they can have a look in it and potentially fix it. Thanks for reporting this bug. If you have any other questions or feel like mentioning anything else, please do so. I wish you a nice day. Kind regards, Contrary
  21. Hello @hahahaka, Oops my bad, it is added indeed! After trying it out I can confirm that it works for me and others. To gain +1 happiness you need to take 432 steps on your mount or bicycle, it is the doubled amount of steps you need while walking to gain happiness (216). Can you check if this works for you and please let me know? If it doesn't, I suggest you to delete the game and download it again from HERE. Looking forward to your response. Have a good day. Regards, Contrary
  22. Hello, Thanks for your understanding. I will continue now to close this thread. If you have another question, don't hesitate to make a thread and ask them on the forums! I wish you a good day! Kind regards, Contrary
  23. Hello @hahahaka, I would like to inform you that cycling/using mounts doesn't increase the happiness of your Pokemon. Here you can find a guide on how to increase the Happiness of your Pokemon. I hope this answered your question, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. I wish you a nice day! Kind regards, Contrary
  24. Hello @SilverKaiDog, I am truly sorry to hear about your lost progress. Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to restore your progress. This due to players who accepted their loss in the past, it would be unfair to refund it now because we didn't refund them aswell. Once again I am sorry for the inconvenience and hope for your understanding. If you have any other question, please don't hesitate to ask. I wish you a good day! Kind Regards, Contrary
  25. Contrary


    Nothing wrong with the spawn, Beldum should be catchable there. The problem is the server crashing. Please be patient for now and try to hunt there when the servers up and more stable. Hope I answered your question like this. If you have any other question, please don't hesitate to ask. Kind regards Contrary
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