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Everything posted by Duynghia101

  1. inbox me, ingame duynghia101
  2. I buy Manetric (hp water)
  3. I buy snor 200k
  4. 3m + ...maybe
  5. Trash can't sell bro
  6. do u still need service?
  7. Hi, can anyone help me about this, I won the last level of that quest (so i can trade mega gengar outfit to the shiny one). I just recived that mega gengar outfit today but i can't trade it to shiny, do i need to beat that hell level again? Thank u verymuch! Here is the evidence (i have captured before):
  8. Buy this
  9. Hi, can anyone help me about this mega gengar quest? I have completed all 3 level (im try >10 hour with ton of pain) but these are no outfit received?
  10. start salamance + swamp
  11. You win the auction, i ll pm u ingame, pls let me know when u are online. Thank all
  12. 5 hours 40 mins left
  13. Hi, i wts this scyther Auction 48h from first bid. Min raise 100k No insta I accept cash , iv rr ( 700l) and cc (400k) Thanks
  14. Hi everyone, I have a Serperior wts Start offer 1m Min bid 300k 48 hours auction from start and I accept cc = 400k, ms 30d = 370k. Goodluck!
  15. Yayyyyy :D:
  16. wow, congrats all. :D
  17. It's normal. since u have 1/16 chance to get the same nature
  18. Re: [NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to Town! <t>NPC Name: duynghia101<br/> Dialogue: Nice to meet you <3<br/> Special Request (If any):</t>
  19. Goodbye bro
  20. RIP Yellow :Cry:
  21. I lose 600 coin and 1 reroll ticket to get an ada latios from the calm one :sad:
  22. playername: duynghia101 server: yellow rank: 481
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