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Everything posted by Happymango

  1. I'm glad to hear that your issues have already been solved I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day.
  2. Hi, @Blaggy I'm sorry for the late reply. So, are your issues all solved? I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  3. Hi, @Rodernika Can you try talk to the Sailor at the Eriyadu Town dock? If this doesn't solve the issue, please let me know. Note that screenshots of the game, where your character is placed could help us solve your issue more easily. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  4. Hi, @skunk1 Can you go downstairs and try find NPC named Jimmy? He will sell you Kings Rock for 15k. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  5. Hi, @sahilalisahilal So, are you issues all solved? I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  6. Hi, @billy6dedos If you are talking about the account "billy6dedos", you already received the silver disc before. Note that you can only receive the silver disc from cinnabar lab once. I hope this answered your curiosity. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  7. Hi, @skunk1 Yes, you can catch qwilfish by surfing from "Cape of Palpatoo" (can access the area via NPC from cinnabar island), "Route 220", and "Iron Island". If you have any additional question regarding the spawn, feel free to ask me. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  8. I'm glad to hear that your issues have been solved already. As the issue being solved, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day.
  9. Hi, @Judge00 The issue was already solved via Restore Megathread. Note that your pokemon should be placed at the last slot of your PC. As your issue already being solved, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  10. I'm glad to hear that your issues have been solved. I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day.
  11. Hi, @DaethWish I'll be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  12. Hi, @Lol101225 Unfortunately, you won't be able to know which PvE item will be tradable beforehand. However, every start of the month, there is an announcement made in our official discord server where you'll be able to know which PVE item will be tradable for the corresponding month. Further note that please make an individual thread next time, as each thread is made to help each players. I hope you understand. Therefore, I'll be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  13. HI, @Sir I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can you following these procedures and see if togepi evolved? 1. Kill togepi in a wild pokemon battle 2. Logout and close the game client completely 3. Relog into the game and heal your togepi in PC 4. Make your happiness max If the following procedures won't work, can you try using one mysterious candy on your max happiness togepi? Note that you can buy them from department store in every region for 5k, 2 PvE coins or 2 PvP coins from each respective coin shop. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  14. Hi, @CoelhoCareca I'm glad to see that your question have already been answered. As your issues been solved, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  15. Hi, @Bluestay123 I'm sorry for the late reply. We can help you with the issue, but you'll have to be online. Is there a specific time when you'll be online? I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  16. Hi, @DEATHSIDE87 I'm sorry for the late reply. We can help you with the issue, but you'll have to be online. Is there a specific time when you'll be online? I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  17. Happymango


    Hi, @ACJP I'm sorry for the inconvenience. There was a maintenance for database backup and server-client update. Currently the servers are up, so you'll be able to log into the game. As your question being answered, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  18. Hi, @Payama14233 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. There was a maintenance for database backup and server-client update. Currently the servers are up, so you'll be able to log into the game. As your question being answered, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  19. Hi, @artemtyu1234 I'll close this thread, since I have answered your question in the other thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  20. Hi, @artemtyu1234 If you are talking about the pokemon sprite that follows the trainer when placed at the first slot of your party, unfortunately there is no way to personally change them. I hope you understand. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  21. Hi, @Raunchypickels As mentioned above, by using the Discord Bot "Reborn" at our Official Discord Server, all the information you ask can be checked. Note that the areas and time of spawn can also be checked inside the game using the dex. When you see the pokemon once in the wild or battling a NPC, the following information is unlocked and always can be re-checked by opening the dex button at the left bottom screen. If you have any more additional questions regarding your issue, do not hesitate asking. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  22. Hi, @averjel19 As mentioned above, the server was in maintenance due to database backup and server-client update. The servers should be up by now. As your questions being answered, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  23. Hi, @skunk1 As mentioned above, the server was in maintenance due to database backup and server-client update. The servers should be up by now. As your questions being answered, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  24. Hi, @Phetus So, are you thinking to keep them and re-sell them inside the game? I cannot guarantee you a refund as I'm not inside the corresponding Staff Team, but I think based on what you have explained above, we would be able to help you with the refund. If you still want a refund, I could contact the corresponding Staff Team and let you know if it is refundable or not. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
  25. I'm glad to see that your issues have been already solved. As your issue being solved, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
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