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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hi @AshtartGoddess I'm glad to hear your Budew has returned to your PC. I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into further issues, please make a new thread. Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day!
  2. Hello @AshtartGoddess Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Budew has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm that you've received your Budew? Looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day!
  3. Hi there @dark4moon I wish you the best as well in this season. Unfortunately there isn't any additional region you can traverse as Sinnoh is the last region currently. Don't worry though, as there are plenty of things to do after you've completed all four regions. ▹You can attempt to complete your Pokedex, catching and seeing every single available Pokemon, and eventually capturing all the legendary Pokemon. Here's a guide for you if you choose to do so: Legendary Pokemon Megathread. ▹Building up a team to start ranked PVP, which you can ask for tips here. ▹If PVP isn't your thing, you can start to do some PVE related content, such as climbing up Sinnoh's Battle Tower, acquiring the wave 1 and 2 mega stones, accumulate money by defeating bosses, doing dig spots every 3 days, completing the Solaceon News Reporter Quest, or unlocking Hoenn's Excavation Sites, etc. ▹Joining a guild is a great way to meet new people and make friends. There are many different guilds that you can join, some are PVP oriented, some are PVE oriented, some are a little bit of both. If you haven't joined one and would like to do so, feel free to visit the Guilds page. ▹Finally, I'd like to invite you to our Official PRO Discord Server. By joining the server, you can stay up-to-date with the latest content updates and any important announcements. On top of that, there are many friendly players there that would love to chill and chat. Anyways, I'll leave you to explore by yourself, as it'd be much more fun that way. Hopefully I gave you some ideas as what you can do after becoming Sinnoh champ. Good luck and have fun!
  4. Hi @DuckMaster42 Sorry for the inconvenience. In order for you to progress further in the quest, you will need to go to Bell Tower and interact with the three legendary beasts, as shown below: For further reference, please visit the Legendary Pokemon Megathread. Please let me know if that worked for you. I'm looking forward to your reply.
  5. Hi @Spencer042 I'm glad to hear that you've gotten your Pokemon back. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into any further issues, feel free to make a new one. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
  6. Hi @Punpunn Thanks for letting me know. I'm glad you got your Pokemon back. I'll be locking this thread now, please make a new one if further issues arise. Thanks and have a lovely day!
  7. Hello @Spencer042 Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Poliwrath has been recovered and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please check your PC if it's there or not. Looking forward to you reply.
  8. Hello @Punpunn Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Charmeleon has been restored and should be in the first slot of your party. Can you please confirm this for me? I'm ooking forward to your reply.
  9. Hi @RandaleRalle Glad to hear you got your Pokemon back. I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into any other issues, feel free to make a new one. Thank you for your patience and have a great day!
  10. Hello @Cylliana I'm glad to hear you got your Swablu back. I've deleted your Torchic, as it was simply a duplicate of your Blaziken. Since the issue has been solved, I will be locking this thread now. If any further issues arise, feel free to make a new one. Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!
  11. Hi there @RandaleRalle I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Your Arcanine has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  12. Hi @Cylliana Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Swablu has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  13. Hi @Shiftry I'm glad to hear that you got your Pikachu back. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. If you run into any further problems, please do make another one. Thanks for your patience and have a lovely day!
  14. Hi there @Shiftry I apologize for the inconvenience. Checking our tools, I could not see any Lightning Rod Timid Pikachu. The Pikachu you are missing is Naive with Lightning Rod as the ability. It's restored now and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me please? Looking forward to your reply.
  15. Hi @CamKetchum Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Pokemon have been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  16. Hi @Vimu I'm glad to hear that. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. Please make a new one if you have any further problems. Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day!
  17. Hi @ExanecLeKhey Sorry for the inconvenience. I have restored your Hariyama, and it should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  18. Hi @Vimu Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Wartortle has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this? Looking forward to your reply.
  19. Hi MyOwnHero92, welcome to PRO! If you haven't already joined, I would like to invite you to our Official PRO Discord Server. You can stay up-to-date with the latest updates and newest content by joining, and also have a conversation with the community. Also, here are some sub-forums that might be helpful for you and your friend: Game Rules: The rules that include trading, and in-game chat can be found here. Player Zone: You can find anything from guilds, suggestions, and general game talk here. There's a lot of things to do. Trade Zone: You can advertise, sell, buy, and trade your pokemon or items here. Auctions are also available. Game guides: Find multiple guides here ranging from the story, to making money, to catching legendary pokemon. Guilds: Check this page out if you're interested in discovering and joining a guild to meet new people. Anyways, that's enough from me. It's always best to discover things on your own, so good luck and have fun with the game!
  20. Hi @Carvinator I'm glad to see you've got your Pokemon back. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. If you run into any further issues, please do make another one. Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day!
  21. Hi @Carvinator I apologize for the inconvenience. Your Pikachu and Luxray should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  22. Hi there @S470SH1 Sorry for the inconvenience. Since you were unable to complete the quest last year, you will need to defeat Horon at Dark Valley, North of Necropolis, without having a single Pokemon faint. Only after you've defeated him with the requirements can you re-enter the castle. Let me know if it worked for you. Have a nice day!
  23. Hello @fdl5914 To enter this area, you will need to defeat Umbra in the Dark Realm. After you've defeated Umbra, you can enter. If you have already completed the Dark Realm, you need to defeat Horon, North of Necropolis, without having a single Pokemon faint. Also, keep in mind that you will have an easier time if you manage to recruit all the recruit able Pokemon from the Dark Realm. I hope that helped you. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. If you have any further questions, feel free to make a new one. Have a lovely day!
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