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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hi there @Chris3012 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Your Pidgey has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please check and see if it's there for you? Looking forward to your reply.
  2. Hi @Dorobo I'm glad to hear that you've gotten your Growlithe back. I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into any further issues, feel free to make a new one. Thank you and have a lovely day!
  3. Hello @Leafbolt8 I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into any issues or need anything else, please make a new one. Good luck defeating Deoxys and have a wonderful day!
  4. Hi @Leafbolt8 If you lost to Deoxys, you will indeed need to pay another 15k to go to the Moon after speaking to Jackson during the story. A good strategy to take the Deoxys down is to catch a Pokemon with the Sturdy ability, teach it Toxic, and stall out the damage either through healing or revives until it faints. As a reference, feel free to check out the Hoenn Walkthrough or the wiki page. I hope that helped you. Please let me know if you need to know anything else.
  5. Hi there @Christoff Your Garchomp should now be in the last slot of your PC. If in the future you accidentally release a Pokemon, please feel free to create a post in the Restore Pokemon Megathread. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. Let me know if you run into further problems by creating a new one. Have a lovely day!
  6. Hello @DevinVT Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Growlithe has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please check and see if it's there for you? Looking forward to your reply.
  7. Hello @Imrosebhai I'm glad to hear that you got your Pokemon back. This thread will be locked now. If you have any further issues, feel free to make a new one. Thank you and have a lovely day!
  8. Hi @Powerkip I've deleted the duplicated Onix. I'll be locking this thread now. If you run into any similar issues, please feel free to make a new one. Thank you for your patience and have a nice day!
  9. Hello @Dorobo Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Growlithe has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  10. Hi @Powerkip I apologize for the inconvenience as well as the delay. This is a known bug and we are currently working to fix it. Is there any other Pokemon that are missing from your party that I can help restore for you? Looking forward to your reply.
  11. Hi there @Imrosebhai Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Noctowl has been restored and should be in your party now. Can you check and confirm this for me please? Looking forward to your reply.
  12. Hi @xNairdx Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Marshtomp has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me please? Looking forward to your reply.
  13. Hi @spammmmmmmmmmmm I'm glad to see your Pokemon has returned. If you need further assistance, please make a new thread as I'll be locking this one. @xNairdxYour Marshtomp should now be in the last slot of your PC. If you are unable to find it in your PC, please do create a new thread regarding the issue. Thank you both and have a wonderful day!
  14. Hello @spammmmmmmmmmmm Sorry for the inconvenience as well as the delay. Your Bulbasaur has been restored and should be in the first slot of your party. Can you please confirm this to me? Looking forward to your reply!
  15. Hi @mitsosa I'm glad to hear that the issue has been solved. Since it has, I'll be locking this thread now. Please make a new one if you run into further issues. Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!
  16. Hi @mariorguezz I'm happy to see that you've gotten your Pokemon back. I'll be locking this thread now. If you have any further issues, feel free to make a new one. Have a lovely day!
  17. Hi there @mariorguezz Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Charizard has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  18. Hi @stewie94 I'm glad to hear that you've gotten your Pokemon back. Since you have, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make another one should any further issues arise. Thank you for your patience and have a great day!
  19. Hi @Goldendarkness Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please confirm that you've checked all possible locations Latios can be found. You can check where the 10 different possible locations are in the Legendary Pokemon Megathread. I'm looking forward to your reply.
  20. Hello @stewie94 I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. Your Quagsire has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm to me that it's there? Looking forward to your reply.
  21. Hi @mitsosa Sorry for the inconvenience I've checked, and it would seem that you have traded the Gyarados Mount to MosiDosi in June. Do you remember this transaction? Looking forward to your reply.
  22. Hi @zarkotics Sorry for the inconvenience. Your Onix has been recovered and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  23. Hi @Aspect420 I'm glad to hear you got your Pokemon back. I'll be locking this thread now, if you have any further issues, please feel free to make a new one. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
  24. Hi @Aspect420 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Your Cyndaquil has been restored and should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply!
  25. Hello @DuckMaster42 I'm glad to hear you're able to progress in the quest. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one if you run into further problems. Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful day!
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