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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hi @Wolvmane. Welcome to PRO! Here are some sub-forums that might be helpful for you: PRO Rules: Contains a list of all of PRO's rules, including but are not limited to PvP, trade, and forum rules. General Game Talk: A place where you can talk about things that are in the game. Game Guide: If you are ever stuck during a run of a region, you can check this sub-forum for available guides, as well as other guides that might help you out in the future. Guilds: If you are looking for a guild or community to join, this is the place for you. Trade Zone: This sub-forum is available to everyone to sell, trade, or buy other things from fellow PRO players. Resolution Center: This area is used to report any issue you've experienced while playing, or if you need assistance from a staff member. Anyways, that's enough from me. I'll leave it to you to enjoy the game. Thanks for your time and good luck on your adventure!
  2. Hello @XarrOwZ I apologize for the inconvenience. Both your Gardevoir and Clefable should now be locked in your PC, and you should be able to use them after you've received your 8th Johto badge at Blackthorn City. Can you please confirm to me that your Pokemon are there? Looking forward to your reply.
  3. Hi there @zanderguy123 All of your Pokemon have been restored and should now be in the last slot of your PC. In case you accidentally release your Pokemon again in the future, please post in the Restore Pokemon Megathread instead. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been resolved. Feel free to make a new one if you need further assistance. Have a lovely day!
  4. Hello @riphh312 Your Abra has been restored and should now be in the last slot of your PC. If you accidentally release a Pokemon in the future, please feel free to post in the Restore Pokemon Megathread instead. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. You can make a new thread should you run into any further issues. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
  5. Hi there @riphh312. Can you please let me know the in-game username that you've lost your Abra in, so I can recover it for you. Looking forward to your reply.
  6. Hello @DeemsiePRO Sorry for the delay. The egg move tutors are directly connected to the Pokemon, not the ability itself. To better understand this, there are two types of Greninjas: ▹One that can have the ability Torrent or Protean. ▹One that can have the ability Torrent or Battle Bond. (These Greninjas are not able to learn any egg moves) The Greninja you've shown here is one that can either evolve into a Torrent or Battle Bond Greninja from Frogadier, which means that it can't learn any egg moves due to it being the second variant. Unfortunately there isn't a way to resolve this issue. It would require a hardcoded solution, and it would be low priority at the moment considering our developers to-do list. I hope that cleared up any doubts you had regarding this issue. Once again I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any further questions however, feel free to reply here. Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!
  7. Hi @DeinaPriest As DragonHunter7 said, you lose money every time you black out from a wild or trainer battle. You will lose 5% of the current amount of money you have, maxing out at 50k. I hope that cleared up any doubts you had regarding this mechanic. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. Feel free to create a new one if you run into further issues. Have a wonderful day!
  8. Hello @DeemsiePRO I'm sorry for the inconvenience as well as the delay. Are you still experiencing this issue, or are you able to teach your Torrent Greninja egg moves now? Looking forward to your reply.
  9. Hello @0PaRk3R0 Sorry for the inconvenience. I can assure you that the quest has been fixed and there shouldn't be any bugs to finding the Pokemon. It's true that the Pokemon you are trying to find likes places where there are alot of houses and shops (Which is Evergreen Island Village), but that just means that it could spawn anywhere in the map (Evergreen Island Village)like the forest area near Christmas Chris's house, or on top of the hills near the bridge, and not just the spots near the houses and shops. The first hint simply helps you figure out what map the Pokemon is hiding in. I hope that helped clear any doubts you had regarding the quest. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Have a great day!
  10. Hi @0PaRk3R0 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Are you unable to start the quest when you click "Count me in?" If so, what does the NPC tell you after? Looking forward to your reply.
  11. Hi @sebek12345 @jordan110 I apologize for the caused inconvenience. I've forwarded the issue to the Content Scripter team and the Underground Battles should be fixed now. This thread will be locked now since the issue has been solved. Please feel free to make a new one if you run into any further issues. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
  12. Hi there@0PaRk3R0 I apologize for the inconvenience as well as the delay. The issue was being looked into by the Content Scripter team, and should now be completely fixed. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. If you run into any further issues, feel free to make a new one. Thanks for your patience and have a great day!
  13. Hi there @PlasmaVortex @ashraff Sorry for the inconvenience as well as the delay. I have forwarded the issue to the CS team and it should be fixed now. Since the bug's been resolved, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one should any further issues arise. Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!
  14. Hello @Dan33 @GmanGaminG I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The issue should be fixed and you are able to submit your freshly caught Pokemon. I'll be locking this thread since the issue has been solved. If you run into further issues or simply have any questions, feel free to make a new one. Thanks for your patience and have a lovely day!
  15. Hi @OblivionWingNSK I'm glad to hear that the issue has been solved. Since it has, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one if any further issues arise. Thanks for your patience and have a lovely day!
  16. Hi there @OblivionWingNSK I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Are you still experiencing the same issue, or were you able to travel back to Vermilion City? Looking forward to your reply.
  17. Hi @mal3diction Glad to hear that you've gotten your Pokemon back. If the issue happens again, feel free to create another thread, since I'll be locking this one. Thank you for your patience and have a lovely day!
  18. Hello @mal3diction I'm sorry for the inconvenience that you had to experience. Thank you for taking the time to report this. The bug itself is a known one, and we are trying to figure out why it is happening. As for your lost Pokemon, they should now be in your party. Can you confirm this for me please? Looking forward to your reply.
  19. Hi there @s3rp3nt007 This is an intended feature from the content scripter team so that the 7.5k pokedollar fee cannot be avoided. I hope that helped answer any doubts you had. Have a nice day!
  20. Hello @dragon2009 I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. Your Charmeleon has been restored and should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  21. Hi there @yaodonn Don't worry about asking anything, I'm sure most of us would be happy to give you an answer. As for the mounts you buy, they cannot be used in battle unfortunately. Hope that answered your question.
  22. Hi there @Rosariel There are quite a few Pokemon who favor having a hidden ability. Some of those include: I hope that helped you. Let me know if you need to know anything else. Have a nice day.
  23. Hello @Seraycrep I'm glad to hear that you've gotten your Pokemon back. I'll be closing this thread now since the issue has been solved. If you run into any further issues, please feel free to make a new one. Thank you and have a lovely day!
  24. Hi there @Seraycrep Sorry for the inconvenience. First off, welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your time here. There is currently a Christmas event going on right now. You can access the event islands via Aero Airlines at Vermilion City. As for your Pikachu, it has been restored and should be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me? I'm looking forward to your reply, have a nice day!
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