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Everything posted by Bash

  1. Timid Magnezone with HP Fire and good Speed/Spatk stats and at least decent defense stats. No - I dont pay ~2 million for a quite common Pokemon Rotom Wash bold should have good defense stats and a decent SPATK. Speed can be in the middle. Tank chomp with H.a and must be impish. I want a good DEF and HP stat and a at least decent speed. SPDEF and ATK can be in the middle The very best is, if you contact me via Discord, Im rarely around in the forums. (Bash#7441)
  2. Ok, nice. :) You want to make a auction of the Swamp? I'd like to start with 300k if you do an auction. I just assumed it because of "insta price". Otherwise, we have to discuss the price via Pm or Discord if you have a account there.
  3. Bump
  4. Hey man, thanks for the application. I have contacted you on Discord with a pm. :3
  5. Place 8 in the guild ladder at the end of the season! :) Great work!
  6. Place 8, Scarlet, the best guild on silver! :) Nice to be in the guild ladder, we made it. With not so many, but with good and very nice persons!
  7. Buuuump
  8. No matter how good you make EV training. After you Ev trained 100 Pokémon it is always boring, no matter how long it needs. Any help to speed up this process is welcome and I like the idea.
  9. Gimme reasons against the server time based one. You will have learned the stuff quick. Server time based is so much better. The christmas thing was server time from Australia, maybe they can make a odd ' Australia time and create a fake gmt-0 time so it would be less odd for the most of players.
  10. Best guild in PRO ^^
  11. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Suckres Friendliest: Jiggedy Funniest: Blacck Coolest: Excadrill Comeback Player of the Year: Nech Most Talkative: Benthen Most Trustworthy: Jiggedy Most Helpful: xxDemonpyroanglexx Most Missed: Curry Most Influential: Everyone in Scarlet Most Intriguing: Umbreongirl Most Experienced Player: Pedraw Best/Funniest Username: xxdemonpyroanglexx Most Professional Guide Maker: Necro Most Professional Discord Moderator: Anotex STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Skuid Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Fuffles Best Moderator: Mutantspider Best Trade Moderator: Logan Best Game Master: Astraea Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: Sirmeowington Most Professional Staff: Nikola Most Dedicated Staff: Fluffles Funniest Staff: SaltySully Friendliest Staff: Anotex Most Honorable Former Staff: Chappy Most Missed Former Staff: Calahan Ahja
  12. As the minimum raise is 25k, I suppose Im still the leader at this current point?
  13. 50k ^^ - start
  14. 500,001 Pokèdollar
  15. I start it
  16. IGN: BashFick Server: Silver What do you want to ask from Santa this Christmas? A Christmas tree [spoiler=Christmas tree]Currently waiting for a certain person brining the tree, will update later :) Merry Christmas
  17. Thanks for posting, but I search one with more speed tbh. 28 speed or more would be neat
  18. So close to the guild ladder this time... But stay tuned and prepare guys! We stay in the guild ladder in the next seasons #Scarlet Congratulations to anyone else
  19. Its down atm, maintenance
  20. They were ingame a long time ago but are removed for already a while now
  21. Yes. Please contact me ingame or at Discord. Bash#4689
  22. Bump :3
  23. Currently on the guild ladder :3 Yay. *bump*
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