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Everything posted by Bash

  1. As the minimum raise is 25k, I suppose Im still the leader at this current point?
  2. 50k ^^ - start
  3. 500,001 Pokèdollar
  4. I start it
  5. IGN: BashFick Server: Silver What do you want to ask from Santa this Christmas? A Christmas tree [spoiler=Christmas tree]Currently waiting for a certain person brining the tree, will update later :) Merry Christmas
  6. Thanks for posting, but I search one with more speed tbh. 28 speed or more would be neat
  7. So close to the guild ladder this time... But stay tuned and prepare guys! We stay in the guild ladder in the next seasons #Scarlet Congratulations to anyone else
  8. Its down atm, maintenance
  9. They were ingame a long time ago but are removed for already a while now
  10. Yes. Please contact me ingame or at Discord. Bash#4689
  11. Bump :3
  12. Currently on the guild ladder :3 Yay. *bump*
  13. We almost hit the guild ladder last season. :) We might hit it this time with you! ;)
  14. Yep, pls a screen. Discord tag: Bash#4689
  15. IGN: BashFick Current rating: ~300 Season you were on ladder: Vote: Do not remove this rule Reason: - Team testing sucks indeed but most ppl are kinda active pvp wise, you can rush your rating from the beginning of the 20th day of the month - thats no problem and very easy. Means you have 20 days time to test teams. - Guild ladder. The only thing what enjoys me would he destroyed by guilds which are pushed with alt accounts, you HAVE to step on this train and do the same if you want to have a chance, espescially counts for small guilds like I am in. - Highrating - Low rating issue. You begin to do pvp with your alt account with a ladder team and win against high rating players and lower their points... When you have to much rating you go and lose some matches and repeat. A removal would make me totally unmotivated. Please keep it
  16. This is the best german guild if you are interested in to join: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/deutsche-gilde-neosphere-plätze-frei-biggest-german-guild-on-silver.63736/
  17. - 1500 rating at the moment. - Monotype guild event ended, rewards were a Reroll ticket and life orb - still searching for member :P
  18. I can understand any vote except Sylveon and Glaceon
  19. Hey, feel free to check out our, Scarlets, guild thread. We are a PvP orientated group of players and are always searching for people who are interested in the medium of PvP. Its not requiret to be a pro or anything, more infos on our guild page which I linked above. ^^
  20. We currently have 1400 guild rating which is ~600 rating away from the guild ladder. Join us if you want to take this fight :)
  21. Bump
  22. Nice, I sent you a Discord pm. ^-^
  23. Aeria Daytime Tier Ms Safari Area 3 Land M Tier 9 Yes 23-24 Water Stone Safari Area 3 Land N Tier 9 Yes 23-24 Thunder Stone Safari Area 3 Land D Tier 9 No Its not all day ms
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