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Picnic last won the day on February 9 2023

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Let's say a newbie finds a high tier shiny Charmander, even anonymously, people would just start posting on trade: "wtb shiny charmander 10m", and the new player potentially would fall for that scam. You probably think: "you can just hide the name of the pokemon" but then I think there is no point in actually showing that message. Just my thoughts
  2. I think that new players probably would not know about the feature to hide your username and become a target of scammers. For me -1 but if that feature would be disabled by default then +1
  3. I accidentally released my magnemite ID: 59591443 Server: Silver
  4. ID Screenshot: 54631632 Server: Silver I released by mistake my Buneary when I was clearing my storage.
  5. Picnic

    New Leaf - Fw/k

  6. ID Screenshot: 47205899 Server: Silver I released my level 100 Landorus by mistake, please help me restoring him back.
  7. Abomasnow ID Screenshot: 42067329 Server: Silver Snover ID Screenshot: 54485320 Server: Silver I accidentally released these 2 pokes while releasing others, I would like to restore them if possible, thank you.
  8. Cancelled
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