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Everything posted by Haruyukio

  1. Hey, Can you list for me the usernames that know your password? Looking forward for your reply.
  2. Thanks for explaining yourself, And I really appreciate your honesty. Don't worry its nothing reportable You didn't commit any infraction ,but also please be careful next so there isn't any doubts. Regards, Haruyukio.
  3. Hello Firefight, I am so glad of your honesty and that you are willing to find solutions. Can you please explain for me the situation with more details so that If there is anything misunderstood I can figure it out, also screenshots would be a great help. Looking forward for your reply. Regards, Haruyukio.
  4. Hello johnjung806, According to your trade logs you lended these pokemons to the user Msb1012 untill 12/3/2020 5:38 GMT+0
  5. Hello, You already did trade the pokemon to the user, everything is alright now. Regards, Haruyukio.
  6. Hey AsuraCrying00, Make sure when you are selling more that 5 pokemons to use Pokémon shop instead of Selling Pokemon subforum. Regards, Haruyukio.
  7. Sorry about that the pokemon was bugged but everything will be fixed in next server crash/restart
  8. Ok Nice,i am glad everything is alright now.Feel free to report again in the future. Regards, Haruyukio.
  9. No problems,aslo about the deal are you missing any money?
  10. Your pokemon should be back in your box by now. I will be waiting for your confirmation.
  11. Hello fetxize, You can't obtain any Item/Pokémon from a banned account . Regards, Haruyukio.
  12. Hello Bloodstone47, Sorry about what happened. What is the username of the player? Also i need more details about the deal.
  13. Hello malltesers, Thanks for reporting and I am sorry about that. The pokemon should be back now in your box ,check it and i will be waiting for your reply. Regards, Haruyukio.
  14. Hey CloysterFace, This subforum is for only for selling Shiny/Special variant pokemons. So please move the Volcarona to Selling Pokemon subforum. Regards, Haruyukio.
  15. Hey envymeister, Please bump your forum post once every 24 hours. Regards, Haruyukio.
  16. When you are selling more than 5 pokemons post in Pokémon shop instead of Selling pokemons subforum.
  17. Please bump your post once every 24 hours . Regards, Haruyukio.
  18. When you are selling more than 5 pokemons use Pokémon Shop instead of Selling Pokemon subforum. Regards, Haruyukio
  19. Hey MrLee123, When Selling more than 5 pokemons please use the Pokémon Shop instead of Selling Pokémon subforum . Regards, Haruyukio.
  20. You have to set up a proper auction that follows the Auction Rules. Here is the Trade Rules you have to follow,and here is how you can set a legitimate auction. Regards, Haruyukio.
  21. Hello, You have to choose if you will run an auction or will just look for a good offer for your Pokemon. If you choose to auction it, you have to respect and follow Auction Rules(Here). If you are just looking for offers, let your Pokemon here and reject/accept any offer you like, but do not use anything that will link the procedure to Auctions. Auction Rules are binding for all participants. In normal trades, you have to deal in Price and Location with someone in order to have a completed deal. This is an official warning.
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