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Everything posted by Bloodemperor

  1. No.
  2. Usernames: BloodEmperor Server: Silver Country: India Timezone: GMT +5:30
  3. Dear members of the Staff Team, As the date of the Server Merge draws near, a huge chapter in the history of PRO is coming to a close. As such, I believe it is important for us to document the history of the servers, the achievements, the guilds, the players that reached those milestones. Hence, I started collecting Data of whatever I can but it seems I cannot find everything without going back to certain points in time or directly contacting the Staff Team. Therefore, I am making this thread to ask for help from Staff to provide data by creating a separate thread documenting the Leaderboard of Dungeons since the beginning, with guilds & Players that helped reach that score, and also update the Most Used Pokemon thread. Also, if possible it would be nice to have a monthly thread or maybe even a yearly thread with monthly data of Shiny and Themed Pokemon caught in each server (Not to be confused with currently being in that server) I have already started to collect the data for Ranked PvP by using PvP Season Results forums posted every month, PvP Seasons Results The Data was collected thought OCR so it can have some issues but it is publicly available for everyone to see at, Guilds Rankings For now, only the guilds ranking data is present but with time I will add the Player Ranked Results as well as the Random Ranked Ladder Results. Thanks & Regards.
  4. Weird way to announce you never worked before but oh well. Giveaway when (5)
  5. Trade Completed in Gold Server.
  6. Username: Bloodemperor Server: Gold Country/Timezone: India/ +5:30 GMT
  7. s.o - 800k min increase - 100k No insta auction ends 3 days (72 hours) after the first bid Auction started at 23/6/2023 5:20 PM +5:30 GMT Auction will end at 26/6/2023 5:20 PM +5:30 GMT
  8. Bloodemperor


    Yo, welcome back to the superior server. Hoping this guild is as big of a success as Syndicate.❤
  9. Since I do not work on or maintain the bot anymore I have decided to make NQR open sourced. Please read the README before you look at the terrible code. Thank you for using and supporting NQR Link to the code in Github
  10. 4332
  11. sounds nice xD
  12. Well, tbh 1500 rating in chess.com is probably about the same as 1900 in lichess haha. Well, I am a fan of pokemon but I dont really like collection of things like that I like the original pieces much better but you got me thinking about a chess themed pokemon would be nice to see in PRO, like alakazam is a big brain pokemon and it would make sense for it to be really good at chess if it wants to be, so maybe an alakazam form with floating chess pieces around it, that would be nice considering we even have a pokemon chess game(different than normal chess but yea) in valentine event.
  13. I only play online now but used to play with uni mates otb during my graduation. I play mostly in lichess peaked at 1850-1900 rating iirc
  14. Hi, I play chess but the activity has dropped down since the past
  15. 252 spd and 252 spatk EVs please. Thank you. IGN: Bloodemperor Discord: Sachin#8011
  16. Hey, you can evolve your riolu by making it faint in a wild battle and then getting it to max happiness again. Make sure to use /happy 1-6 command to check its happiness is close to max after you make it fain in a wild battle. Edit : Make sure its daytime when u reach max happiness
  17. Reworked the bot to use slash commands. Slash commands prefix is "/". To be able to use slash commands just click on Add to Server from the bot's profile. It can take upto 2 hours for all the slash commands to load for your server but once loaded they are permanent. This change was done to reflect discord's change in policy to protect user's privacy and give message reading capabilites to only bots that actually need it. Some commands have been removed - addmod, removemod, clear, setchannel, rmchannel, help, listmod, prefix as they no longer server any purpose to the bot with slash commands. Bug and suggest commands will be readded later on.
  18. Finally I can yeet em shinies jkjk. Goodluck on your shop.
  19. hey @RajuBhaiya, I am unable to add all the commands of reborn bot as reborn has some data which is not possible for me to obtain, but if, in the future PROApi gets released I will add apply for it and code all the commands. I'm glad you liked my bot :3
  20. Hey @AbhinavNori, You can find how to fix that by reading the 4th point(2nd to last) in the link https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/115437-windows-problems-with-the-patcher/ which tells u how to fix "FAILED TO LOAD IL2CPP" problem.
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