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Everything posted by Mourad

  1. Greninja Scizor Charizard X&Y
  2. 300
  3. start
  4. 600
  5. Auction over can be closed ty!
  6. Hi, i want to auction this event Lucario! Start 2m Min. Bid 500k Auction Time 2day(48h) Auction end: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20220707T1733&p0=206&msg=CHRISTMAS+LUCARIO&font=serif No Insta Accepted Payment cc 400k/ IV RR 700k/ Rc 7k Good luck!
  7. Start calm volca
  8. Ya sure we will remake the guild after the merge, pm me in discord : Mourad#6385
  9. Hey Finery, welcome to the first guild ingame. You will be invited once they merge the server. Stay Blazes
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