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Posts posted by Exotyc

  1. 1 minute ago, Deadsam said:

    Thank you for the response

    I have tried logging into silver but for some reason it says "Invalid Username/Password" but when I log into gold I get logged in. Thanks for the recommendation for the server which I will be joining.

    Thanks again.

    The invalid login issue is caused due to the old servers (Red, Blue) have been merged together in one server (Silver).
    I've checked your account, and it seems like you haven't played on any of the 2 servers. Choose the server you want, because there is no progress that has to be merged.
    You have to merge your account in the Dashboard.

    After the merge, you still may be unable to log into Silver server. You have to reset your password on the Dashboard to fix it. Your password should contain only alphanumeric letters (Letters from A to Z and from 0 to 9), because sometimes different/special characters in your password might block you from login.

    For more information about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, please take a look on Everything About The Merge.


  2. 14 minutes ago, Deadsam said:

    I was wondering if my account could be reset. I wanted to have a fresh start with my friends but when I made my account in 2017, I made my account in gold and my friends are in silver. I hope there is a way that I will be able to reset but if not, I will probably have to make a new email.


    Hello @Deadsam,

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    The staff team don't do any account reset services at the moment because there is not any estimated time when it will be available again.
    Once we do, we will be announcing it in our official Discord server.

    However, I can list here some other possibilities you could try out:

    - Start with the same account on the opposite server, everything will have a fresh start once you join the server. You will be able to create a new character, but your ingame name and the coin shop currency stays. Since you played on gold, everything will have a fresh start on silver. It won't have an effect on your other character on gold, since both servers are seperated.
    - Create a new account, and start over again as you stated above. Keep in mind that you can maximum have 4 accounts. To get more information about this, the overall PRO rules can be found here.

    I hope this clarified everything you needed. I'll be waiting for a reply if you have any further questions.

    Kind regards,

  3. 2 minutes ago, Diego88 said:

    I resolved

    I'm glad to see your issue has been solved.
    I'll lock this thread now.
    Don't hesitate to ask again, if you have any further questions.

    Kind regards,

  4. 21 minutes ago, outOFpokeballs said:

    Epic timing and resolution, thanks ill donate soon!

    I'm glad to see your issue has been solved.
    I'll lock this thread now.
    Don't hesitate to ask again, if you have any further questions.

    Have a nice day.

  5. 6 minutes ago, outOFpokeballs said:

    I havent logged in about a year wanted to show my friend this game and when i logged in my characted was gone and all my items. I am also not able to log into silver not sure if this has something todo with it. Could use some help thanks.

    Hello @outOFpokeballs,

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    First to start, you don’t have to worry about your account & progress getting deleted as they will be always saved in the database.
    The issue is caused due to the old servers (Red, Blue) have been merged together in one server (Silver). I checked your account, and it seems like you played 88 hours on the Blue server.
    You have to merge your account to the new servers in the Dashboard.
    Please make sure to choose the Blue server in order to get your progress back.

    After the merge, you still may be unable to log into Silver server. You have to reset your password on the Dashboard to fix it. Your password should contain only alphanumeric letters (Letters from A to Z and from 0 to 9), because sometimes different/special characters in your password might block you from login.

    For more information about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, please take a look on Everything About The Merge.

    With that being said, I hope this clarified everything.
    Kind regards,

  6. 8 hours ago, hkgirl said:

    Now The event is over ='[


    Hello @hkgirl,

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    Unfortunately, you have to wait until next years Halloween event to claim your reward.
    It would be unfair for all the other players who have experienced the same problem this year.
    Since we can't help you further in this case, I'll lock this thread now.
    I'm once again sorry. I hope you understand

    Have a nice day
    Kind regards,

  7. 45 minutes ago, Arya08 said:

    Dear PRO admin, i got disconnected when still considering to choose between vampire outfit or mount from mayor gorge, and the mayor already gone after i'm loging in again. I check my bag, and there is nothing either the mount or costume. Please solve this, if i can choose again, i want my costume... Thankyou (Gold server)

    Hello @Arya08,


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've informed the corresponding staff team to look into your issue and it should be fixed very soon.

    In the meantime, please be patient.

    I'll let you know as soon as I get an answer.

    Kind regards,

  8. On 11/9/2020 at 2:00 PM, hkgirl said:

    I have completed the whole task and can get the  reward! But I  disconnected... When I log in again, I can’t get rewards anymore !


    What should i do now?

    Hello @hkgirl,


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    Could you tell me which reward you did not get due to a disconnect?
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

    Kind regards,

  9. 18 minutes ago, Akilles said:

    I've been searching here and there for my bold klefki.i remember lending to a guildie but could not find it.Could you please help me by telling me with whom i last traded it ?Thanks

    Hello @Akilles,
    I checked your account and it seems like you traded your bold Klefki to "NSlovesPL" on the Gold server.
    I hope I could help you.

    Kind regards,

  10. 5 hours ago, makei1 said:

    Oooh, I just need to Merge ! Thats why lmao

    I'm glad to see you could solve your issue.
    I'll lock this thread now.
    Don't hesitate to ask again, if you have any further questions.

    Have a nice day.

  11. 14 hours ago, Invoy said:

    Hello, I got disconnected where you have to choose between vampire clothes and hoondoom mount with Mayor Gorge (Murky town)

    I didnt get any of those item... (I want vampire clothes) any help ? (Gold server)

    You should know be able to claim the reward by talking to Mayor Gorge.
    Can you please confirm it?
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

  12. 23 hours ago, WalyAlexander said:

    I really love the game.  but I can already wake up with this ...


    Hello @WalyAlexander.


    I am really sorry for the inconvenience.
    By fainting all of your Pokemon in your party in wild battles, you will lose 5% of your current money which is capped at 50k.
    You shouldn't lose any money if you fainted to E4 NPCs or Bosses.
    Please let me know if this clarified some things for you.


    Kind regards,

  13. 6 hours ago, Invoy said:

    Hello, I got disconnected where you have to choose between vampire clothes and hoondoom mount with Mayor Gorge (Murky town)

    I didnt get any of those item... (I want vampire clothes) any help ? (Gold server)

    Hello @Invoy.


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    I've informed the corresponding staff team to look into your issue and it should be fixed very soon.

    In the meantime, please be patient.

    I'll let you know as soon as I get an answer.

    Kind regards,

    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, ItsZhi said:

    I've tried the three options of -force and have tried running the shortcut in administrator all times but the error still occurs where the window pops up shortly with the pokeball and closes immediately. I've made sure to click apply all three times as well as include a space after the .exe.


    Can you try the following procedure?

    1. Delete PRO and all PRO related files

    2. Flush the trashbin

    3. Re-download the game at this link


    First check if it crashes or not.


    If it crashes, please try the additional procedure and check once more.
    - Update your Display/Graphical Drivers
    - Update your Windows Version
    - Add an exception for the client in your Firewall and Antivirus
    - Clear out your Physical Memory or Ram to free up space


    I'll be waiting for your reply.

  15. 2 minutes ago, AmemiyaRin said:

    I remember started playing the game back in 2016 and progressed pretty far in the game. Recently i decided to come back and realized my account were entirely empty and all progresses and items were gone when i logged in. Is there anyway to restore the progresses in my account? 

    Hello @AmemiyaRin,

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
    First to start, you don’t have to worry about your account & progress getting deleted as they will be always saved in the database.
    The issue is caused due to the old servers (Red, Blue) have been merged together in one server (Silver). I checked your account, and it seems like you played 121 hours on the Red server.
    You have to merge your account to the new servers in the Dashboard.
    Please make sure to choose the Red server in order to get your progress back.

    After the merge, you still may be unable to log into Silver server. You have to reset your password on the Dashboard to fix it. Your password should contain only alphanumeric letters (Letters from A to Z and from 0 to 9), because sometimes different/special characters in your password might block you from login.

    For more information about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, please take a look on Everything About The Merge.

    With that being said, I hope this clarified everything.
    Looking forward for a reply if that worked for you.

  16. On 11/9/2020 at 11:13 AM, Tharun2007 said:

    When will the winter event start??? 

    when will unova come??? 

     Hello @Tharun2007.

    As Saruron already mentioned, there is unfortunately no ETA for the winter event, and Unova region.
    I would also like to say that there are 2 regions that will get released before the Unova region. First, the custom region called Astrella. After Astrella, there is going to be Orange Islands. And again, there is no ETA for it either. So, please be patient.


    With that being said, I hope this clarified some things for you.
    Have a nice day!

  17. 16 hours ago, ItsZhi said:

    When I launch a fresh downloaded file of the proclient and all its contents, (dll files, client itself, and such) launching the proclient pops up a mini loading bar with a red exclamation on the pokeball then immediately closes. See attached picture for more clarification. There is absolutely nothing else installed and there is enough ram. The client is being attempted to launch in a virtual box.



    Hello @ItsZhi,


    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
    The issue sometimes seem to appear due to the newest Unity version and old hardware from the user.
    It can be fixed after following the steps that I will include now.
    First, create a shortcut for the PROclient.exe file by right clicking the application and select "create shortcut".
    After this, right click the shortcut and add the parameters -force-d3d11 or -force-opengl or -force-glcore into the Target as in the screenshot shown below.
    Make sure to add a space between .exe and -force.

    Let me know if it solved your issue.
    I'll be waiting for a reply.

    Kind regards,


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