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Everything posted by Polteageist

  1. Hello @Vermilionz, Your minimum bid has been removed as you added it after your auction has started. See rule 12 listed below from our general auction rules. 12. Insta Prices, Minimum Raises and Accepted Payments are optional, however, if set, must be announced in public, and cannot be changed, negotiated or added once: - In-game: The auction has been announced. - Forum: The auction has started. If you have any further questions please refer to our auction or trade rules linked below. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-forums-and-in-game-general-trade-rules/ Good Luck in your sale, Polteageist.
  2. Hello Sleazer, Please remember to change your title to closed once you have posted evidence of the completed auction trade so we can lock the thread promptly. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  3. Hello @springhow, Please remember you can only bump your post once every 24 hours. Please refer to our trade and auction rules linked below if you have any further questions. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-forums-and-in-game-general-trade-rules/ Good luck in your sale, Polteageist
  4. Hello @Diloot, On your payments option you need to specify amount that they are worth See rule 14 from our general auction rules listed below. 14. Accepted Payments may be offered as an additional or alternative form of payment to pokedollars. These must: - Be specified by the seller. - Be an item, and its value in pokedollars must be clearly specified by the seller. › e.g. "1x Coin Capsule = 400K, 1x Reroll Ticket = 800K". › Pokemon cannot be offered as an Accepted Payment. The auction and trade rules are linked below if you have any further questions about your auction. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-forums-and-in-game-general-trade-rules/ Good luck in your sale, Polteageist.
  5. Hello, Please remember to change your title to cancel or closed if you wish the thread to be locked. This way it can be done so promptly. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  6. Hello, I am locking this thread please remember in the future to post evidence of the trade when the pokemon is sold and change your title to sold or closed. So we can promptly close the auction thread. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  7. Hello, Please remember after you have evidence of the completed trade posted to please change your title to sold or close so we can promptly lock the thread. Sincerely, Polteageist
  8. Hello, I am now locking this thread as the auction is complete. Please remember in the future to change title to closed or sold when you have finished the trade and posted the evidence so we can quickly close the auction thread. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  9. Hello @Huyddoanxi, Please remember you can only bump your post once every 24 hours including when your thread is created. Please see rule 6 from our trade rules listed below. 6. Do not excessively bump your posts: - In-game: Must allow a minimum of 5 posts between each post. In-game auctions may be reposted a maximum of once every 1 minute, regardless of the number of posts between. - Forum: May be bumped a maximum of once every 24 hours, including after the post has been created. I have included the auction rules and trade rules links if you have any other questions about your auction. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-forums-and-in-game-general-trade-rules/ Good luck with your sale, Polteageist.
  10. Hello @Yoky, Your mudkip is 19+. I have removed the 20+ from your title as it is misleading. Read up on our auction/trade rules linked below. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-forums-and-in-game-general-trade-rules/ https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ Good luck on your sale, Polteageist
  11. Hello @Rayn139, You are still missing Start and end point of your auction. Correct that asap. Also the 20+ has been removed as 03 hp makes it not 20 plus and that is considered misleading. Once your start and end time is added to the forum post. Also you do need to make sure you put in the appropriate subforum. Auctions do not go in General game talk. It goes to Gold selling thread which is where it has been moved to again. Regards, Polteageist.
  12. Hello @Rayn139, First of all I have moved your Pokemon to the proper subforum selling Gold. Seconding you need to clear up your auction and specify a few things. You have a start price and the pokemon but you are missing minimum bid and accepted payments Insta if you wish it. You also require a start and end point of your auction. Please refer to the template listed below. This auction will now be locked please read our auction rules here -> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/. Before recreating your thread. [Pokemon / Item] Start Point/Price: End Point: Insta: Min. Raise: Accepted Payment(s): Sincerely, Polteageist.
  13. @Eriquer15 @Dame201, Your trade has been forced as you have not been able to connect with each other. The funds should be on your account Eriquer15 and the ralts in Dame201 pc. Regards, Polteageist.
  14. Hello @Swisha1712, I have moved your thread to pokemon shops as you have more than 5 pokemon in your thread. Good luck with your sales, Polteageist.
  15. Hello, Please make sure you show evidence of trade once it has happened and change your title to closed or sold once the auction has ended so we can lock the thread promptly. Regards, Polteageist.
  16. hello, @Ajeykrz consider this an official warning once you place a bid you can't withdraw it read up on our trade rules. If you bid you can't withdraw your bid. Regards, Polteageist.
  17. Hello @Sympatoche, I am now locking this thread as the auction is complete and the trade is done. Please be sure to provide evidence of the trade next time. and change your title to sold or closed. Regards, Polteageist.
  18. Hello @arrebevol, Your shop has been moved to the Coin and items section as it isn't selling pokemon in the thread. Good luck with your sales, Polteageist.
  19. Hello, I am locking this thread as the trade has been complete. @ancot Consider this your official warning. Read up on our trade rules. You must specify with your post on the thread if you are picking up with an alternate account and that account must have the funds at the time of the bid as well. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  20. Hello @BluzeGG, Per our forum rules and trade rules. See rule listed below. I have removed the player must transfer to your server to pick up. That agreement needs to be made with the winner at the completion of the auction and you must have evidence of that agreement.. See rule written below. 3. When a trade agreement is made concerning players from different servers, the responsibility of transferring lies with the thread creator. - This rule does not apply when there is an explicit written agreement between the buyer and seller about who will transfer to honour the deal. Evidence of this agreement must be made and kept, and made available upon Staff request. Regards, Polteagiest.
  21. Hello, As the auction is complete I am now locking this thread. Please remember in the future to provide evidence of trade and change the title to closed or sold when the auction has finished. Regards, Polteageist.
  22. Hello, I am locking this thread and corrected your title to sold can be closed. Please remember in the future to change your titles to closed when the Auction has ended. Regards, Polteageist.
  23. Hello, As the trade is completed. I am now locking this thread. Please in the future remember to change your title to closed or sold so we know to lock it in the future. Good luck in your future sales, Polteageist.
  24. Hello, I am now locking this thread as the pokemon has been sold. Next time please provide evidence of the trade and change your title to closed so we can lock it as completed. Regards, Polteageist.
  25. Hello, I am now locking this thread as the auction is complete. Next time please provide evidence of your trade. Also once the trade is complete change your title to closed so we are aware the auction is finished and we can lock the thread. Good luck in your future sales. Regards, Polteageist
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