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Everything posted by Viratkholi07

  1. I need a torrent frokie with nature navie or hasty and spd iv 25+ and atk iv 20+
  2. Draw command is very annoying but don't think that we should remove it
  3. 150k one
  4. I need Dragonite
  5. I will take your service contact me
  6. I want your service plzz contact me
  7. I need azurill
  8. Player name ViratKholi07. Server Gold. India GTM +4:30
  9. I want lvl up services for 2 pokes chimchar and shelder both have priority move and they are lvl 65 and lvl 69 so lvl up to 100 tell me price
  10. I have some pokes pm me in game ViratKholi07
  11. I need to join your guild what I have to do
  12. Wtb sinnoh pokes pm me in game name ViratKholi07 or pm in discord
  13. Price of that clafable plzz
  14. 50k and pm message me if u want offers
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