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Everything posted by Eetaachee

  1. Hello dear folks of PRO. I hope you are having a good time. I am writing here to let you know that I observed a bug recently. It is not a big deal but a bug is a bug. When someone sends battle request,the first pokemon shows as a shiny one with S. But in reality,it is not the case. This is the 3rd time it is happening,so I am pasting here. The other player showed me his Breloom,it was not shiny but in display,it is showing as shiny. Yes,that's it,that's the bug. I thought of letting you guys know if you do not know by now. Rest is up to you guys. Take care.
  2. Noted and started mate.
  3. C.o. 4.5m by Pandarkenciel Min bid 100k No insta Ends- 12:30am 14/11/22 IST GMT +5.30 Accept cc(350k) and Pokedollars.
  4. -1
  5. +1 And it would be even better if the existing shinies also got those.
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