Okay,I will wait for his response. There are a lot of Indian players in this game. So if it's happening to me, I think it's the same for them. This little change can smoothen the experience for many players I believe.
I believe what you are saying is correct. Because you said they follow your local time which is GMT +2. The start on that auction is showing 7:41 am in my case and 9:41 am which is exactly 2 hrs difference.
Hence GMT+0 has been set for me. My local time is GMT +5.30.
I wish I could change it to IST.
What time is the "Start" showing for you? I have attached my screenshot for further reference.
But it is not following the local time. I started an auction 2 days ago definitely after 12pm IST (don't remember exact time) but on the auction it shows 7:48 am. So I am not sure what time it was. It is a bit hectic to remember everytime at what exact time I start an auction or an auction of mine gets started. So it would have been better if I could know the timezone or at least change the timezone set for my account if that's feasible.