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Everything posted by Osean02

  1. Volcarona started. Ends on Dec. 18 5:08pm [gmt+8]
  2. Osean02

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? OSean02 2. Number of hours played? 955hrs 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Hoenn is my favorite region, Flygon really caught my heart. 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Collecting event forms, they're awesome 5. How old are you? (Optional)
  3. I'll take Swampert
  4. Bump for attention, now open for auction.
  5. Can we meet at Cerulean city? I'm available now, ign: OSean02
  6. 500
  7. 450
  8. Vullaby trade done, 505k + 35 rc. Will remove them and add more content later. Congratulations!
  9. Vullaby ended, St4ru won. Quote me when you're available and where to meet thanks. @St4ru
  10. Bump, 12 hrs left for Vullaby. Less than 24hrs for Ditto.
  11. Sorry for the late notice but the c.o is 300k by Heroyla31 from 3 hours ago. I fell asleep so i wasn't able to update, sorry for the inconvenience..
  12. Removed sold, added hp ice semi-epic larvesta. Happy bidding
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