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Everything posted by Purplemauth

  1. Requirements: They have gotten to a ridiculous point in my opinion. Not allowing one pokemon is fine, not allowing multiple pokemon is silly. Change the boss team if it's drastically weak to one certain pokemon. Also, In general I think hours requirement can come down a peg as well. 200 hour req -> 175. 150 -->125, etc. in the time it takes someone to get that additional twenty five hours, realistically, they could have only battled that boss once or twice. Difficulty - keep the same. I do not see the point in doing a more challenging boss for the same reward. I foresee it being demoralizing for a lot of longtime players who have to now work even harder to get the same outcome. If bosses get more challenging, then rewards should progress at the same rate. Also, as mentioned in earlier posts, dealing with Critical hits are ultimately what decides boss battles and they're already fairly devastating - making them stronger and/or removing our ability to use items will cause users (myself included) to get frustrated when something totally uncontrollable makes you lose out on them. Cooldown - The only way I think a shorter cooldown would be beneficial is if the number of bosses got reduced fairly drastically (or, were cycled in and out for availability. Ex: this month, only these 20 bosses are available but theyre available every 4 days). Doing 50 boss battles every 4 days is way too much for even the most dedicated player. Reducing the cooldown for an even smaller reward makes them less valuable for players who cannot afford to log on frequently to keep up with their cooldowns. Thanks for your hard work, Leitah.
  2. you owe me this as a fee for moderating you in discord
  3. The only way you could have lost to those 2 with clefable is based on critical hits, not something that you can control. Clefable resists all their moves and will be fully stacked by then.
  4. Bump. Please add.
  5. 1. Given how many fossils are obtained from excavation sites, make them tradeable. It'll help stimulate the economy. Many players have dozens of them just sitting around, and I have tons on alternate accounts that I will never use because those accounts dont have privileges to use excavation site re-animator. 2. Add an additional Silver Disc NPC in another region. Being on Cinnabar is an isolated enough place.
  7. Theres no reason not to add this. Would be a phenomenal feature. +1
  8. Please implement a trick room tutor!
  9. With Mega Pokemon potentially coming in the near future, this guide will likely be getting some work done to it. I won't update the strategies until we know more about them.
  10. Very well made and concise. Awesome!
  11. We haven't had new mounts in a very long time. New mounts! Anything!
  12. Having random odds like that just isn't really fair for a pokemon that you can only have one of and could be so potentially be very viable in PvP. There will be some people who get it very quickly and others who could (literally) farm for hundreds of hours and never see it. If the birds are to be added (or any legendary for that matter) I believe that the current system of doing a quest before the encounter and then everyone getting the same chance to catch/sync it will be the way it will be added.
  13. Bottom of Route 37, this tile to enter Route 36 wont send you down. You can come up from 36 and it will put you on this tile.
  14. No, they cant get the same amount back. If you got the same amount back you could buy items and wear them for a bit, then return them and buy other things. There'd be no exclusive-ness to owning the items. Then also once you get a certain amount of coins you would be able to buy everything and the coins would lose their value entirely.
  15. 10% chance to get shiny is extraordinarily high - that would need to be brought down to be on par with other boss rewards (1/2000-4000). 10% is not "rare", that would literally be the best chance to get a shiny anywhere in the game, and that's for a super desirable pokemon. The value would be destroyed. Bill is a decent idea for a boss character, however the team you suggested is 5/6 what the boss Sage in Sprout Tower already has. It would need more variation, I think.
  16. Again, as per the READ THIS BEFORE MAKING A SUGGESTION thread: iOS or Windows Phone Client for PRO Unless Apple opens up their OS development to 3rd party applications, this will not be possible to implement. Furthermore, iOS doesn't have enough resources to let PRO work on it.
  17. As per the thread READ THIS BEFORE MAKING A SUGGESTION: Adding and Translating Other Languages In-Game PRO's main storyline will be kept English as the widely accepted "official" language in the game, even by bilingual players. Only minor things (menus, options, etc) will be translated. However, there is no estimated time frame for this, and it's considered very low-priority.
  18. There's usually no timelines given towards new content. Staff will announce when certain things are ready and available to be accessed. Keep in mind staff are constantly updating and adding things, within the last two weeks Honey Trees were added and Excavation sites were revamped. These are 2 fairly decent content updates that added new spawns to the game and even added a new map. Regarding move animations and Mega's, both have been requested numerous times. I don't know if there's any plan to introduce mega's (as they were once planned but since have been scrapped) and I believe animations are limited to very few staff being able to work on them. There are currently many catchable legendaries in game, there's a thread on how to get them all located here --> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/75116-url
  19. Your nickname in game, once selected, cannot be changed. The only way to change names is to make another account.
  20. Very nice. Good job on the shadows too. Looks awesome!
  21. Metronome is not coded, unfortunately. You can see the list of broken moves here ---> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/28126-url
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