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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. the only possible bug that would make sense to me is that pangoro used taunt and u used a status move. Pangoros moveset is this one: (Taunt, Hammer Arm, Crunch, Sky Uppercut)
  2. u need to stay infront of the waterfall and press space And there is a few places where the waterfall doesnt work Greetings
  3. Sad to hear bro hope u comeback soon :( Farewell and have a good one
  4. Didnt get why you put hp ground into the title xD w/e Greetings
  5. Welcome and enjoy your stay ^^
  6. Count me in and gl to everyone! Greetings
  7. dont discuss in general support. Im pretty sure your topic will be moved into a other area ^^ greetings
  8. lel since im playing i deactivated animations haha. dont need that its time waste imo greetings
  9. +1 greetings
  10. I'm in Mr. Almighty Akalli Greetings
  11. someone reported u for breaking a rule. and u got trade banned probably greetings
  12. IGN: Cyber54 Discord Tag: CyBeR54#7296 Server: Silver Story(around 631 words): KABOOOM: Suddenly I woke up. I was still tired and rubbed my eyes and stand up and said: "What was that...did a bomb explode near to me?" I felt a tremor on my right leg. Carefully i picked up the covers and looked underneath. My little Gligar named "Pieks" was hugging me and was scared about the loud sound from outside. "Ah Pieks, You dont need to be afraid, im by your side." With a smile on my face, it crawled out of the covers and jumped on my lap, cuddling happily against me. I went to the PC to check some E-Mails and get dressed right after. After i was done i went downstairs and my Mother came home aswell. "Morning, Mom." I said. "Good Morning, Cyber." she said. "You must have woken up by the loud noise from Professor Oak's lab." "His computer exploded because of the high voltage of his satellite dish." "You may be able to help him a little bit later. But you are hungry now I guess." she said I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was full of bottled water and sugary lemonade. I took a soda bottle from the fridge and closed it again. And my mother was cooking her famous Miltank sausages with Eggs from Pidgey. Pieks was tapping me with his tail and looked at me with his big cute eyes. "Well, you also get a piece of my Breakfast." It´s always the same. I cant resist his cute looking. After i was done with my breakfast i went out to visit Prof. Oak. I went into the Lab and was looking for him. The Laboratory was completely empty and in the last corner i saw a shadow disappearing. I runned to the corner and felt a bit weird. The fire was already extinguished with the help of the Water Pokemons from the neighborhood. At the roof of the lap i saw some sparkle. I decided to go out again. As I approached the door, it suddenly closed. And the lights went out aswell. My electronical devices and everything that had to do with electricity shut down suddenly. I felt very depressed. Suddenly a Rotom was standing in front of me. [spoiler=Spooky Rotom] I reflexively took a few steps backwards and was looking for Pieks. Unfortunately, I didn't find him. So I was on my own and shouted loud for help. The rotom approached closer and closer to me. In the last second, Pieks came to the support through an open hatch from the roof. He looked much bigger and stronger. My best friend Pieks evolved into a Gliscor. Which defeated the Rotom in a few seconds. The electricity in Prof. Oaks normalized again. The lights went on. The lock unlocked itself and a side room of Prof. Oak´s Lab opened. It was the refrigerated warehouse. Prof. Oak was locked in there. He went out and said:"A few minutes longer and I would be frozen". After that I told him what happened. Prof. Oak was wondering and all he saw was a Gliscor and not a cute gligar named Pieks anymore. Oak told me that Pieks probably evolved after he heard you screaming. I recognized that his neckband with the Razor Fang was missing. After that we knew what happened. "I believe the computer didnt explode due to high voltage, because i was using a good circuit board. It must be the Rotom that caused Chaos here. Lucky that your Pieks evolved into a Gliscor and rescued us in last seconds. Due to the lack of electricity and the Aura of the Spooky rotom the area around us was probably dark so Pieks evolved into a Gliscor." Oak said. And i was afraid that all went good. Greetings ps: If u found any grammatical mistakes or misspellings. Keep it for you ^^. Thank you for reading my story hope you liked it and good luck to all participants.
  13. Lel im on silver aswell ^^
  14. There is not 18h left anymore. https://prnt.sc/l1mew0 https://prnt.sc/l1mf54 The auction ending is today in round about 4h
  15. Whats the bo on starmie and how much time left? Greetings
  16. +1 like the idea. Greetings
  17. Bumperino
  18. start starmie any insta prices for the poke?
  19. according to reborn bot its coded. http://prntscr.com/l0siab Greetings
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