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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. How much for Wobbuffet? Greetings
  2. Nah i know what u mean. i just compared to mine. My english is a bit bad tho ^^. And yeah im using it and did auctions like that a few times already Greetings
  3. Thats similar to that what i said. The difference is the time. You said 24h without new offer. The system what u talking about is pretty much what i said. Close to the end of an auction i give the possibility and the chance that someone can make a bid. But the difference between me and yours is the time ^^. I give additional 5min to the bidders if someone offers in last second on that post. If nobody bids at the end the last person with the last bet wins. I totally agree with you. And by making a start bid u avoid worthless bits already. Like lets say a pokemon is 3m worth and ur minimum(start bid) is already at 2m. So u wouldnt loose that much money and u can decide the start bid. Greetings
  4. Bump
  5. The nature reroll is randomized. You can get every nature that is available. There is no 100% chance that u get a timid. I had the right nature after 17 nature rerolls Greetings
  6. Both of the abilitys is working according to Reborn bot Greetings
  7. Bump
  8. I think you just need to show her the caught rattata. And the officer jenny quests arent that much important. It is good for youngsters but yeah. Dont spent too much time on it ^^ and i hope i helped you with that answer Greetings
  9. Zins has a xmas altaria iirc :3 Greetings
  10. +1. i dont see any negative points greetings
  11. There is only 1 garchomp that i found on the shop account which is this one
  12. +1 Greetings
  13. bump
  14. no problem. your welcome greetings
  15. according to reborn bot it is fixed. RebornBOT today at 16:22 Description • Raises accuracy by 30% and increases the probability of wild Pokemon holding items.
  16. It is in your bag when you purchased it and you need to activate it Greetings
  17. Welcome and enjoy your stay ^^
  18. by merging ur accounts ^^
  19. Here is a link to the guild Chaos Chaos Guild Forum Post Make sure to read the "How to join" part. Greetings
  20. wouldnt work. People would use automatical software to gain process which is forbidden. Greetings
  21. Your account isnt gone. Blue server and red server merged. You need to merge your accounts in the dashboard. After that u get ur items/pokes etc back. URL to dashboard Make sure to choose your main server first and read carefully Greetings
  22. Would appreciate if you read it to the end. It can affect u aswell. My detailed opinion about the changes. Difficulty Levels: I agree with the Easy difficulty. Sligthly stronger seems ok and is a challenge after u have done the story. Medium: Pokemon have 252 EVs (slightly stronger than current bosses). Hard: Pokemon have 400 EVs (slightly harder than current superbosses). I dont agree with the medium and hard difficulty. The fact that a poke has 252 evs on every stat makes it unfair. The enemy Pokemon is bulky, fast and dangerous because of the high atk/spatk stats. The fact that a enemy Poke can use moves to make it even stronger makes it even more dangerous. Few Example: There is a few pokes that uses 1hko moves like Machamp, Lapras and Walrein from a few bosses. Lapras and Walrein are tanky and will survive a attack from u for sure or even more. 1hko moves is based on level difference. A "nerf" of the level to downgrade all boss pokes to lvl 100 would solve the problem. Or you put the accuracy of the 1hko moves to 30 acc or you completely remove them from the movepool. Pokemon that doesnt outspeed u in general will outspeed you because it has additional speed on evs. The common way to beat a boss is the usage of setup mons. The bag ban is not necessary and unfair aswell. I agree with the point of NamelessHero27. Bosses crits and burns way 2 many times which makes ur poke useless. The ev changes on a few pokes are unbelievable. Especially on pokes with a high base stat on every stat. In combination with abilitys can be broken aswell. Unaware with a boost on every stat is incredible. So you need to take the best counter against that poke which cant kill you instantly. Which takes 1 slot out of 6 already. The hard difficulty is even more broken. The stats should be tested with different teams and different evs. It is way easier to judge if u can compare. (btw i would appreciate it Wally if you give me the opportunity to be a tester aswell) I have a lot of ingame hours and i did my bosses frequently. I would appreciate a nerf of this current difficultys. A balanced evs on the difficulty look like this: Medium: 252 Evs on atk and spatk and 100 on every other stat which makes a total EV of: 904 The hard difficulty should be a challenge for advanced trainers. Hard: 400 Evs on atk and Spatk and 200 on every other Stat which makes a total EV of: 1600 All difficultys should have a cap of lvl 100. No 1hko moves. Hard should own some pokes with haste or something like that to avoid a sweep from a set up mon like snorlax or any other mon. And all pokemon should have the best possible nature and ability. Focus sash shouldnt be a holdable item for bosses. It could take down the natural counter of that poke. Eggs: Sounds ok. No opinion and experience about this so i will skip this point. No guaranteed shiny rewards: Have nothing to add. Sounds good i also agree with this point. Trash and not usable shiny or no shiny doesnt make a big difference. Remove PvP Coin items: Makes sense. Pvp Exclusive should be PvP Exclusive. Maybe there is a option to make PvE items? :thinking: So people should be rewarded to do PvE. Consumables should still drop cause u can use them in PvE aswell. Restriction for Bosses: Kinda sad that there is no Mega anymore. Maybe there should be 1 in the hard difficulty. A maximum of 2 legendary Pokemon. Sounds good but is still op if u have a arceus or a unaware mewtwo or a shadow lugia against u. Maybe u can compensate this with balanced legendarys in team. Shiny or form Pokemon. Well idk sounds deco for me. Shiny or not shiny. If they have the same stats doesnt make a change at all. The different is just different. You can also make all pokes shinys. Wouldnt make a different for me. Teams should be discussed with testers that has a lot of experience. Hope u make a few conditions to select good tester. For example at least 2000h of playtime or w/e. Customize text is a deco point again. Would be good but not necessary at all. Its just something for the eye. The rewards: This is the most important point of this post. We do bosses to get some rewards so the best comes at the end. Well lets start. I dont agree with the tier rewards. I had a post earlier. Boss rewards shouldnt be rng based! There should be no chance to get this or this. If you do easy u get a random reward from the easy tier. If you do medium difficulty u should get a random reward from the medium tier. And for hard obviously the same. This tiers gives a big variety to the rewards. The tiers could be different by item values, how many u get and the rarity or the Poke eggs u can get. Like a tier 1-4 poke from easy difficulty. 5-7 in medium and 8-9+ tier pokes in the hard difficulty. Or based on item values and how much you can get from each item. U have a lot more selection on every boss and different rewards. Specific bosses (Brock etc) should still drop specific and themed rewards. A 60% chance (hard difficulty) to get a tier 1 is waaaaay to unfair. You can find a detailed opinion in a post earlier from me. Good and average player shouldnt be punished for doing the hardest difficulty. They should be rewarded. They put way more afford into it. Spent more time and think about strategies and so on. There should be also money tiers. Easy should have a random drop rate between 2 price ranges. It could look like this: Easy: 5-10k (300k-600k) Medium: 15-20k (900k-1,2m) Hard: 25-30k (1,5m-1,8m) This is what i think about the current boss changes. Its one of the less motivations i still play this game. So i need to say something before people with less playtime and no experience about bosses ruines me that motivation aswell. I like that u want to change something but do it in a right and balanced way and dont take the last motivation from many players. It could give the game a new freshness. It could also help the economy which is pretty much rip. If you find any grammatical mistakes, misspellings etc. keep it for u and thank you for reading this post. Greetings
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