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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. there was a misunderstanding and why would be lie if staffs are lurking in these forums^^ im not talking specifically about you, i am talking about your guild and your friends. Chili11 told me he have a b.o. by 20m by Gastomu on this shiny drillbur, i have one print about that conversation, thats a big lying in my opinion :banned: gl anyway ty^^
  2. there was a misunderstanding^^
  3. Re: Tauros Mount and Other stuffz kek [MY SHOWCASE] <r>nice <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  4. Re: [NEW] PVP Channel !!! <r><QUOTE author="Sabo"><s> </e></QUOTE> another person to learn pvp ways from :3 yosh</r>
  5. me too
  6. the price of ms is slowly becoming unrisable(hope the staffs dont let out new mounts cause the ms will rise again)
  7. that pic is of the route 211 of sinnoh :3
  8. the staffs will close it down with a warning of 1 week beforehand i think
  9. shane someone leaked!!!
  10. i would like a NPC that trades pokes for you, for trade evos^^
  11. HAPPY NEW YEARS to you James :y: :y:
  12. UPCOMING FINALS FOR ME :Frown: :Frown:
  13. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted} <r><QUOTE author="WhiteBrock"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey brock thanks for applying for our guild^^ I'll send you the discord link <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  14. do you have the pokemon id by any chance?
  15. chili11 congrats :Heart: :Heart:
  16. Welcome to PRO!!!!Treecko is bae ;)
  17. 361!!
  18. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted} <t>bumps</t>
  19. ty for the awesome guide^^ :y:
  20. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted} <r><QUOTE author="SomebodyUnown"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="SomebodyUnown"><s> </e></QUOTE> ill send you the discord link^^</r>
  21. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted} <r><QUOTE author="kenesu"><s> </e></QUOTE> ign:Kenesu<br/> Badges:16<br/> want to join..cause I dont have any guild yet..and i think its interestiing yo have guild<br/> i already have discord<br/> fav poke...gengar<br/> i can be active in both :)<e> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Radioplays"><s> </e></QUOTE> thank you for applying for our guild^^ I'll send you the discord link^^</r>
  22. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Active people wanted} <r>bump <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  23. the staffs might be busy^^ I'm sure they will help you soon
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