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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Coming from another Pokemon game who used to have a pay wall for easier shinies, this would create a 2 tiered game. those with easy shinies. and those without. PRO was always made as a free to play game, although there are obviously benefits to buying the membership, the effects of it aren't exactly game-breaking. When we created PRO, the first thing we cemented was the rate of shinies, and that everyone had an equal chance to get one. You posted a nice and well detailed out suggestion, but it will never happen here.
  2. the exact same way. by pressing the arrow. dont like using the gui scale option is your own problem, but that is how it is done.
  3. holy crap i didnt even know that was possible. at least i can add extra starter spawns without messing with the server
  4. I changed the cooldown time (new win script bosses have been reduced to 12 days, from 14) This maybe why
  5. what if the opposing pokemon also has flash fire?
  6. Greetings PRO players. First of all I would like to apologize for not having a halloween event for you all. Things happened that I won't go into any further detail about, and some people felt it was time to leave. That is fine, we are all volunteers after all :) But that meant we were unable to finish the event in time. What will happen with the existing maps, however, they will be released and remade into a whole new mini area, similar to love island, forever accessible for all. This will be happening over the coming weeks. As a consolation I have re-enabled the clone event. I felt that the 1 week it was on for, just wasn't long enough. Many people share my view, so it is enabled until the Xmas event is ready (so at least 2-3 weeks minimum) Currently only the standard spawns exist for them, once I learn how to update spawns, I will add them to new areas also (however they will retain their rarity) Hope this consolation is Ok while we get back on track. PRO team
  7. unfortunately i think the X1200 lacks something required by PRO. I used to have that exact one in an old laptop of mine, terrible card
  8. Thor

    Naero boss

    Hello Randell1, I am sorry about the inconvenience of that experience, I have contacted a higher rank in order to get the boss working again for you so you should be able to fight Naero Boss again. Best of luck and have fun playing :) dont worry shamac the issue was already resolved :P
  9. note: the points marked complete, are fully ingame :)
  10. most bosses will be, only jessie/james wont as far as plans go. currently updated bosses are in the original post.
  11. So which bosses are using the new reward system? can u edit ur original post with the progress so far? updated OP.
  12. if i did that you would lose the ability for the pokemon rewarded to potentially be shiny (yes, all accumulated prize pokemon have shiny chance, normal random ones dont, though).
  13. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 06/11/16] <t>thats because Lt. surge has had a prize upgrade, ready for the win accumulator. and 2be fair i think electrike is a decent prize.</t>
  14. just want them to be as enjoyable as possible :)
  15. no, any xinput device willnot work with PRO. you have to use a 3rd party program such as joy2key or xpadder (one i would personally recommend as i use this very program for my xbox one S controller)
  16. I just squealed like a school girl! :Heart: :Heart-eyes: ikr but it should've been on till now...thor was supposed to have enabled it already :c still dont have DB access.
  17. Morty is the only one so far that has it (it just so happens i was fixing that NPC when i had finished testing my new script out so i added the bits to that one). Others will get it also. Cooldown on these Bosses will be 12 days, not 14 also (as some bosses will require 5 wins, such as Sgath and keres, as you would get to pick 2 prizes from them). These prize pick pokemon will also have shiny chance aswell :) (but normal random prizes wont)
  18. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 06/11/16] <r><QUOTE author="Jahus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yes, that one is not a boss. But there's another Ash Ketchum NPC somewhere that gives you prizes. It's brand new, it's not a boss and we don't know where it is yet.<e> </e></QUOTE> That NPC is in a staff map, a test NPC. merely showing what i was working on. it will never be accessible for players because it wasnt designed to be. All ot was for was to showcase how the prize accumulator would work.<br/> <br/> Go and battle Morty. Currently the only Boss Battle ingame with this new feature. I will add it to the others in due time.</r>
  19. I may do this when i get server access in a bit. we need to give u guys something, right? :)
  20. no, again. any MMO is about hunting for things. and sometimes that thing takes a while to find. look what happened with dratini and bagon. both 600 base stats. but both farmed to the point that they sell for less than 20k each. so, not going to happen.
  21. no. anything that would make hunting easier for a certain subset of players, is largely against what we are about. MS medalion is one thing, but this would take things too far.
  22. but...but who will i spam memes at now? :Frown: guess ill just have to throw shoes at Red instead
  23. sad to see you go, but sometimes you have to do whats right for u. Farewell dude. Arnie.
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