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Everything posted by Thor

  1. there are already teleport pokemon in most routes. NPCs are supposed to auto-attack, else why else would they be there?
  2. Thor

    A boat

    uh, this most likely wont happen. - There is already a boat. - You are supposed to go to cinnabar first via pallet town.
  3. changing the price mid auction is the same as deceiving a player (or many, according to how many people are in the auction). This is why i prefer to go to players who are just selling, and not auctioning. Any player caught doing this (and/or making rules stating that theyre allowed to do this), should be reported with the appropriate proof to the report center.
  4. we have 1 coder, and lots of artists.
  5. this is for legendaries! please do research before making complaint posts
  6. does this answer your question?
  7. I play using a Note 4 (simiilar specs to the device ur using) on lollipop 5.1.1. works just perfect. I would personally upgrade to 5.1.1. as 5.0 has memory management issues and a memory leak that causes ur phone to crash after a period of time.
  8. Actually, in Gen 1 pokemon couldn't hold items, and endeavour wasn't in Gen 2 (although a Flail magikarp was possible)
  9. Actually, in Gen 1 pokemon couldn't hold items, and endeavour wasn't in Gen 2 (although a Flail magikarp was possible)
  10. I wasnt aware that MS users had an advantage over non MS users. I will change this when i look into Lephers scripts.
  11. well, heres the thing. The teleport system isnt supposed to be for everyone. just because it isnt useful for u doesnt mean its not useful for others.. If u dont like it, thats fine, ur entitled to ur opinion, but im not changing anything for just 1 person. Dont use it, I didnt make and add it as an essential travel, its there so people can have the option to skip trainers. That is it. Second, we literally cannot code mounts to go over mountains, due to how the map system works.
  12. why would we want to add something that holds your hand and safeguards you from losing something potentially valuable if you're not paying attention? We didnt make this game with simplicity to get good stuff in mind. There is one way however to ensure that you dont miss shinies when they appear: Git Gud.
  13. why would we want to add something that holds your hand and safeguards you from losing something potentially valuable if you're not paying attention? We didnt make this game with simplicity to get good stuff in mind. There is one way however to ensure that you dont miss shinies when they appear: Git Gud.
  14. why would we want to add something that holds your hand and safeguards you from losing something potentially valuable if you're not paying attention? We didnt make this game with simplicity to get good stuff in mind. There is one way however to ensure that you dont miss shinies when they appear: Git Gud.
  15. why would we want to add something that holds your hand and safeguards you from losing something potentially valuable if you're not paying attention? We didnt make this game with simplicity to get good stuff in mind. There is one way however to ensure that you dont miss shinies when they appear: Git Gud.
  16. I have already updated Erika and Clair's dialogue to talk about specific things a player would unlock (trading for erika, the ability to use kanto pokemon in johto for Clair)
  17. What OS are you using. I'm betting Windows 10, right?
  18. We havent announced it because it hasnt been finished yet. at this point we're only teasing what's to come. Some people really need to lighten up around here
  19. I see absolutely nobody gets whqt we're doing with this. The PvP cloak is but one of the prizes u can pick for being in top 25. Players will still have to get in top 25 to have a decent shot of gettting enough coins for the good stuff. also, what u saw were rough prices, those will be changed before its release (for one, the Master Ball will be the most expensive item, since it guarantees u a legendary catch). We are adding variety, i really dont see why people should be complaining about being given a choice.
  20. Clone starters wont be shiny, since they're an altered form just like shinies are. When it is active, we will announce it.
  21. This would be a nice idea, but highly improbable. considering there are literally 1000s of players playing PRO right now, and the NPC system not supporting this either.
  22. it has already been said hundreds of times, you would need access to proprietry code to even think about doing translations, and since this will never happen, you will just have to wait until we start adding translations to items/pokemon.
  23. some of these are tile errors, which i will fix. others are mapping errors, which the mappers (or myself) will get to fixing. Thanks for the report.
  24. we will habe a theme engine built into PRO in the future, but the clients UI graphics arent rendered how you might think, they arent static images like other pokemon mmo clients, these are mostly generated by code using basic elements.
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