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Everything posted by Thor

  1. we should do that really, ill sort something out with lepher
  2. The cooldown is to ensure that some things dont enter the game quickly, namely some of the rewards, also if you battle all the bosses u can get upwards of 350k, that is a lot of money when you think there are 1000s of players. It has already been said, it will not change. If i added a variable cooldown (and it is entirely possible), i would no longer be able to display a cooldown timer, since the timer uses a set function to show, which doesnt work with variable times (see Naero boss NPC as an example), and then I would just get 72747274728473 threads of 'Y U NO COOLDOWN TIMER, U SUCK ADMEEEENNN'. See what I mean?
  3. With the battle chat he means a 1 on 1 chat where you can talk with the person you are battling. To say goodluck and stuff while in the PvP ladder. Ooh, well then i stand corrected. that would be nice.
  4. no, you will never be allowed to carry more than 6.
  5. You are the problem with all chat. Confirmed. Lurn2PG
  6. 1. type /cgdef battle, now battle chat is default. 2. Yes, this is actually a good suggestion (and one i would like to see ingame soon) 3. No, people who make mistakes should have to live with them, not get a safety net.
  7. Re: Ingame BOSS [27/07/2016] <r><QUOTE author="tuyetytran"><s> </e></QUOTE> yeah! tweaked a bit , i just got 5 focus sash , more before 1 focus sash <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Was some criticism that there werent enough focus sashes ingame :p so i upped the amount given out by those 2.<br/> <br/> Also Koichi now has an even rarer prize than riolu (who was made a little easier to get)</r>
  8. PRO was always built with free to play in mind. There will never be membership priority, else it will simply become pay to enter, and we don't want that.
  9. if its anything to do with wild spawns it should work you are just majorly unlucky thats all
  10. The problem with fhe 3D pokemon in battle is, we have about 15-20 custom versions of pokemon, these would have to be remade frame by frame. Considering it took our best spriter several hours to make 1 frame of crystal onix due to all its shimmering light effects, this simply isnt viable in the short term.
  11. In those instances provided, all you need to do is untick the 'player names' and then you can see the NPC name just fine. As for low end users, I am sorry but we aren't making PRO for low end PCs, we're only being modest due to limitations of even the most recent Android devices. We also don't support Windows XP, so that should give you some indication. Just be glad you can actually play PRO at all really. We are targeting mid end users mainly Saying that, my PC is being powered by an 8 year old processor (Core2Quad) and i still get 550fps. And theyre cheap to make too (my whole PC cost about £250 to build, that is 16GB DDR3 RAM, 2.5ghz Core2Quad, and a low profile GT730 gen 2, all in a low profile business PC.)
  12. This is not possible. Due to leaks in the past, all content ataff have to sign non disclosure agreements and volounteer contracts (like any company would do), gicing up their right to distribute PRO created content anywhere but the correct place.. Everything currently requires some program created by Shane, and therefore covered by this agreement. This is why map recruits use Tiled to practice mapping on, rather than our own internal editor.
  13. Koichi is an old boss who has yet to be revamped. Most other bosses who drop it (at least 4). drop them in quantities of 3+ However i will take it into advisement and add it to more relevant bosses as low tier rewards (more likely to get) It will hlwever, not be made a permanent item. Bulbapedia states its a consumable item, and this is a MMO, if we followed the handhelds exactly we would also make TMs infinite useable. In the future there will be more permanent ways to get battle oriented items.
  14. I think at one point they said the weaker base 600 legendaries (the legendary birds/beasts/golems, the Lati twins) will be catchable eventually. There was even a tease for legendary birds quest at one point, in the form of a small tower housing 3 orbs, not sure what happened to that. And we already have a quest for Legendary Beast Stones, there would be no point to that Stone quest if the Beasts cannot be caught eventually, as we fought them already during the quest, which gives their seen data. I doubt they'll allow us to catch Cresselia, Darkrai, and Deoxys though, they're the top 3 strongest base 600 Pokemon with strengths way beyond all the other base 600. Cresselia and Deoxys have crazy stat spread, while Darkrai has Dark Void + Bad Dreams. Pretty much said here. Also, Mew, Celebi and jirachi are already catchable
  15. click the 'Game Zoom' option in the options :)
  16. I would say no on this one. this kind of sounds like a thing similar to baiting (i.e. making fake reports based on actual events)
  17. We have 33 (unconfirmed, need to do a proper count) bosses ingame. guess what? Some have to have prizes available elsewhere, that is the statistical certainty of the volume I and other scripters have added. With the fact i have at least another 4 being made and added within the next week, and other things being worked on, this simply isnt possible to do without ruining future content plans. I hear your concerns over some of them, and with the revamp i am addressing this bit by bit, as i have said i have only edited maybe 10 so far. But just adding stuff for the sake of it isnt going to happen, I'm sorry. I do also need to edit movesets aswell, to minimise boosting opportunities. Radomised dialogues was something I would likento add to them too, it wouldnt be completely random however, but like 4/5 different dialogues per boss would go some way to make them at least feel better.
  18. 1. there are plenty of hints and tips ingame, the issue is most people do not read the dialogues, they are there for a reason :p 2. Not so sure about this one, we always created the rarity system with the view that players themselves would denote the rarity and therefore value and demand of pokemon. If we did this then essentially it would make people lazy and more demanding on prices just because they see a value written. 3. This is a fair suggestion, and may actually be added. 4. No, the rattata quest was added as a homage to one of our old scripters, this wont be changed. 5. Most likely not. Surf is already possible via a Mount, but dig will never be. That would require rescripting of everything. 6. This is fair, I too would like to see some customisation options. 7. Guild bases would require instancing (and I have touched up on this very subject multiple times, as I would like to have something like this in PRO. 8. Monthly events would put too much strain on our already limited resources, We are pumping out new content almost daily, and we have lives too :)
  19. I havent finished the boss revamp yet, i have only updated like 12/13 of them. however, saying that. basically what youre trying to suggest are ways to get things easier, which wont happen. Sorry, but apart from the continuing revamp, these things wont change. Also, I see you assume that there is no other endgame stuff in the pipelines, this would where you be sorely wrong.
  20. no, it is not possible to get shiny pokemon from things like dig/headbutt. basically anything NPC based that forces a wild battle encounter. NPCs that give you a pokemon however (apart from bosses) do have a shiny chance.
  21. Nope, headbutting was a feature in kanto/johto, and that is how its staying. the excavation idea came out of this fact
  22. No. i dont know if you have played any other MMO, but doing boss battles that guarantee stuff (except for ones like sage for example) is a big no-no. This will not be changed. Also FYI, Brock wasnt supposed to always give a big nugget, so i will be checking this out and fixing shortly. So thanks for letting me know.
  23. Guess what? The game was created by predomonantly English native speakers, and yes while we are a multi-language game it will remain English. I have seen the evidence for your ban and it is pretty conclusive. I dont want a toxic, waste of oxygen such as yourself playing this game our staff have spent 1000s of hours making for respectful players. Also, FYI Nintendo cant do jack. believe me they have tried taking down way smaller games that have actively been abusing their image rights and failed, many more sophisticated players have also tried threats, guess where they are now? Same place as you.
  24. Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres] <t>Because of wargreymons increased prizes, he now requires 250 hours</t>
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