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Everything posted by Thor

  1. OK, so Ive just found out that Defog hasnt been DB mapped as a tutor yet http://prntscr.com/jgr2vf I will ask for this to be done soon so that it can be added
  2. Thor

    Brock Boss

    what was the reward you wanted?
  3. Please read the first post carefully, if I could have syncable pokemon with shiny chance it would have been done. So, no, Pokemon with guaranteed shiny drop, will not be syncable
  4. yes, i plan on adding this to all eligible bosses within the next week or 2.
  5. well, its part of the orange archipelago. That region will eventually be released as a whole unit (30 or so islands), when it is done
  6. check the thumbnails :P
  7. sure, it was also altaria wasnt it?
  8. it gives you the option to go and get the sync. The downside is that you cannot battle him until after you've picked the prize
  9. Thor

    Update Logs

    Gengar can now be taught Sludge Wave via TM Teacher
  10. Thor

    Update Logs

    the start of my boss rewards revamp has occured, currently most of kantos bosses are able to have their rewards sync'd
  11. the shiny chance is the same as gen 6, which is all the more remarkable that I got a shiny pancham while testing it
  12. Hello everyone, Thor here. Over the next few weeks you will start to notice extra quality of life updates to various bits of end-game content. These will include: - Bug Catching Contest now drops PvE coins, for the new battle tower content. (This is live right now) - Bosses will get revamps with regards to their 3rd win reward, from today, most of Kanto's bosses will allow you to either pick to sync the reward, or try for a shiny pokemon reward. I aim to get the entire games boss repertoire updated to be inline with the ones I have changed already. (kanto aside from Love island and sevii island bosses is complete) With regards to the reason this is done; The function used to generate a wild battle, doesn't include a table option to generate a random chance for a wild Pokemon to be shiny, we can only do that if we generate a Pokemon straight into your account. This was originally made for Legendary Pokemon encounters, but we re-purposed it for other uses. Script generated Pokemon CANNOT be synchronized, because the synchronize ability only works when a wild battle is triggered. This was done as a "best of both worlds" scenario. And, yes, the shiny chance was always there. You just now see that it is there visibly. - Legendary Pokemon will also see a tweak to their requirements, with many having their initial hour restrictions reduced. More into on that as and when I get around to it. This was planned by staff before I came back, so thank them for the work. (mostly complete; Mew (225), Celebi (275) and legendary beasts (450) along with their quest content have been amended) - The Sevii islands will most likely also receive the staff treatment over the coming months. I have good plans for it :) you will have to wait and see ;) Please stay tuned for more updates in the future.
  13. We're working on something currently for PvP/PvE shops, give us a bit of time :)
  14. Thor

    Update Logs

    Bug catching contest prizes now drop PvE coins depending on what place u finish. (being outside the top 3 will yield no coins whatsoever)
  15. since it has no function for players, don't worry about it
  16. android version isnt designed for TV boxes. Doewn't have native mouse support. It was made for tablets.
  17. To be fair, a trade emote would be very good, as well as a battle one.
  18. 1. Has already been rectified. 2. This is planned, and in the works, but wont be actioned for a little while, u will have to bear with us on this. 3. This isn't such a bad idea. 4. I was planning on doing just this, sometime during the next 2 weeks
  19. Team Preview was only added due to Zorua's Illusion ability, since that isnt coded it isnt necessary.
  20. Yeah, no on the rerolls. Its bad enough that it exists for legendaries
  21. Issue should be fixed now, let me know any different :)
  22. Again, blame Nintendo. I'm sure they took it into consideration when they changed an unreasonably OP ability to be less cheap.
  23. appologies, but I actually have had no net for the best part of a day. i will get to it as soon as possible.
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