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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. Yes, you can transfer in your dashboard for free once every thirty days :)
  2. Welcome! If you're interested in joining a Guild in Gold Server, you can join via the discord link in my description! Otherwise, you can browse the Guilds section in the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay :)
  3. Staff will close the thread automatically when they see it's resolved. Don't worry!
  4. If you were disconnected due to a server crash and the dratini was so recently caught that it did not have an id (you need to log out so that the database saves the data of your pokemon being captured. It's also saved every few minutes), you'll unfortunately not be able to recover it in any way, since its data never got saved nor does it exist anywhere. However, if you were lucky and it's in your pc (somehow), a staff member might be able to find it. I hope you are lucky :)
  5. Bump! I can't bump it later so I'll bump it early today.
  6. Added more screenshots, explanations (dig spots and stuff), movesets and more. I'll go feed the cats and then I'll try to get up until second gym badge :)
  7. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/discipline-appeals.37/ You'll have to appeal here, and write and ask in regards to what happened. Good luck! :D Staff will surely answer your post.
  8. Hello! I thought this was just my client, but I've tested it with an android and another computer too (and a friend of mine, and Route 7 looks weird for both of us). I have no idea if this is intended (so as to save map space or not have to work on it) or a map size issue. It's probably intended, it just looks extremely weird. Some of the sides of the route have black borders, which does not ruin the experience or immersion, but looks... a bit empty. I'm aware this might be intentional so as to make a small map that just links both cities and detail isn't necessary (otherwise you'd have to map a bit of Celadon and Saffron to make it look realistic), and that this might not be a priority, but I'm posting it in case one day you want to change it :D (if not it's fine lol, I just feel weird that whenever I try to enter Celadon I am about to fall on a black void). Thank you! Left side of Celadon.
  9. If you're in Gold Server, you can join the guild in my profile! (It's just below this message). If you're Silver, I can't help you out :/
  10. Improved the entire guide and fixed mistakes, uploaded a TON of images to highlight zones, dumped a bit of spawn stuff and more knowledge. I'm gonna feed the cats and I'm gonna continue :)
  11. Added the pictures of locked pokemon in the PC and the warning in trade chat. Thanks to @Allsmell and @Ashes55 for the help!
  12. I have no idea if I bumped it tonight or the day before, so I'm bumping it just in case :)
  13. Thank you :) Link has been added and fixed into the Guide. I'm now working on adding the recommendation by Allsmell too.
  14. The guide is finished and can be moved to its appropriate forum, I will edit it only if it's needed. I will now work on an Auction one, since I see many posts not properly done in the selling zones in forums, even with the rules being posted properly and explaining everything fine.
  15. This will be a simple guide to aid newbie players who have issues using trade chat and trading with other players without being scammed or finding that the pokemon they got traded was from another region, etc etc etc. It will also link rules for forums and ingame trades. I will not cover auctions on this one, I'll try covering auctions in another guide. I want to make a fast trade guide since I see a lot of newbie players with no clear idea on how to use the trade function ingame. Trading in Pokemon Revolution Online Only requirement: You must have obtained the Rainbow Badge in Kanto (4th badge in Kanto, the first region). From that point onwards, you can ALWAYS trade inside of any pokecenter or Pokemon League building, even if you just entered a new region and have no badges. You'll be able to trade pokemon from that region. However, if you are traded a pokemon from another region, it will remain locked in your PC until you either enter that region for the first time or you ask a Trade Moderator o a Staff Member to trade it back in the appropriate post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/129049-url You will get this pop-up. Be careful! It will remain locked until you complete that region. Both pokemon and items can be traded in the same way. Before you start trading with random people, I suggest you read the Trade rules and the Trade chat rules in case you want to use the Ingame Trade Channel. Also, normal chat rules apply, so don't be rude when asking to buy stuff! Trade chat rules: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-url General chat rules: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/62159-url You've earned that 4th badge. You are now looking to buy some useful pokemon in Trade Chat. You spot a pokemon that catches your eyesight: Wow, a Bidoof! I really want that! He's a god pokemon! You check that it has the ability you want, the nature, the hidden power (if it's needed), and if it's from the Region you have completed. In this situation, you see Bhimoso has posted a GODLY BIDOOF (just kidding, it's garbage.) and you want to trade with him. You right click on his name and select the message option, and you politely ask him to trade it. After you see each other, you may now rightclick the user and press the trade option. A pop-up window will appear. If you're on phone, you just have to tap their player. A pop-up window to Trade will appear. You may here place your pokemon in your team (thus, put the pokemon you want to sell in your team first) and any items you want to trade. Beware that legendary pokemon and certain key items cannot be traded or it would not allow you to progress through the story, such as trading HM or the Silph Scope. You can also put the money by writing the amount you want to pay and pressing the Set button afterwards. After you have checked everything is right, you may now press Accept in both sides and confirm the trade. You will get a pop-up asking to make everything sure before you do. If you click Accept, the trade will be confirmed and there will be no going back from this point on. If you want to cancel the trade, you can press the X button in the rop right corner of your screen. This time, however, you notice something. That is not a GOD bidoof, that is a GOD bibarel! You're being scammed! That is not the pokemon you wanted! You bring it up to the seller. You give him a second chance to try and trade again. The trade might've been successful now. However, what happens if he was actually trying to scam you again? These situations may arise sometimes. In this situation, we have to take screenshots of the trade and the conversation and post them in the report section of the forums with the correct form. dramatisation king btw, not even Shakespeare could match my skills We will now open the Report Center section in forums and report this scammer. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?forums/report-center.39/ We will also choose the server we play in (I play both, but this is happening in Gold Server, so we will post it there. As suggested by Ehkoe (Trade Moderator), you should take a look at the rules as written by Logan to file a report: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/39923-url We will now file our report and make sure everything is right. Do not worry, we can edit the report later if our evidence is not posted properly the first time! Now we can select the "Post Thread" option and wait for a response! You can bump your post there every 24 hours if you don't receive a response. Beware that Trade Moderators are also real people like you and me who also play this game, we all have a life and we all make mistakes. Respect the rules! If you are unsure and want to contact a Trade Moderator to buy a pokemon from forums in the same way as you did using this guide, you can find them here in forums and you can send them a private message to answer your doubts: I hope this guide has been useful for you to understand how to trade your pokemon and what to do, and if you feel you have been scammed or a rule has been broken, you can file a report! Read the Trade rules properly, since there are many infractions you may accidentally (or not) find when you sell or buy pokemon! If you ever need advice, help or need to ask questions, you should probably ask them in the Help chat ingame so another user helps you out, a Guild member or someone on the official discord. https://discord.gg/98pMNxq I wish you good luck when trading and this guide will only be edited to fix any mistakes, add extra information and cover Lend Trading when it is fixed. For now, this guide is complete
  16. I mean, reroll tickets exist for a reason (I understand it may be annoying that they rely on a chance though). I also don't completely like giving a pay to win option to improve legendaries while I understand donations will improve the game indirectly too. The mechanic for finding a legendary absurdly anywhere is stupid imo (not disrespectfully, I mean). Doing the quest always has the same organised steps towards the same goal, you can prepare for it in advance, work for it and set up a team for it. Nikola is also there to obtain a legendary in case you failed or the first one was trash. Other issues I see with this: infinite legendaries per account? On a random number chance? In any route? Like, I go and hunt magikarp and suddenly I find a landorus out of nowhere and I haven't gotten ready at all and I must keep in mind at all times that a legendary cam spawn anywhere at any time? Complete -1 from my perspective. There are reroll tickets available for this and they're reliably easy to get.
  17. I would've posted this in suggestions. I really like the change :) the original wasn't so bad, though, but I'd choose yours over the old one.
  18. Yes, it's still tier 8 in route 225 and it spawns all day with no membership required as Reborn bot says in discord. Remember it's just RNG getting to find one or not. Good luck! :)
  19. You can always wait for a trade moderator to enforce the trade (or tag them on forums) or let them tell you if you can do the auction again :) they'll eventually answer this post, don't worry!
  20. +1 to this one, just in case you happen to log in 5 minutes after it starts and you don't even realise there's an outbreak going around.
  21. May I ask if the insta is negotiable? If it is, I'd like to know.
  22. 100% agree. Wasting a buttload of hours to literally get nothing in return (not even a safe net gain) is horrendous.
  23. Updated with a LOT of info on the beggining, starter choice, correct natures, discord links, bulbapedia links and more. Moving onto Pewter City and beyond.
  24. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65717-url You can post it here or wait for a Staff member to help you out :)
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