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Everything posted by Coup

  1. Coup

    mail bug

    bump @Nezuko
  2. Coup

    mail bug

    I obviously cant communicate with him in game since he is on Gold right now
  3. Coup

    mail bug

    Here are some screenshots from our guild's discord
  4. Coup

    mail bug

    Hi, he does not mind.
  5. Coup

    mail bug

    Hello, I tried sending a guildmate of mine a pickaxe through mail, but i forgot that he transfered to Gold server and ended up sending the pickaxe to his Silver accoutn which doesnt even have a character yet, Is there a way you could help me out please? I obviously didnt take an SS as I didn't expect this to happen. Is there a way you can recover my pickaxe for me. Thanks for your help!
  6. I need a discord tag from you too
  7. Hey, i'm gonna need a discord tag brother
  8. Player name: Coup Showdown name: Coup0d0boule Server: Silver Rank: 17
  9. Thats not a bug, that tentacool has the ability, "Clear body" which prevents it from having its stats reduced, mud slap's secondary effect is reducing accuracy by 1 stage at a 100% chance of it happening.
  10. If a fire type move is used against a flash fire heatran who is holding an air balloon, the balloon will burst when it shouldn't. Here is another bug that i report, i'm not expecting an answer as usual because apparantly thats how this thread rolls.
  11. I was playing a PvP game and I had a Shuca berry on my Tyranitar, my opponent had a garchomp and used earthquake, it seems like the berry works properly it mitigated half the damage, but the bug that i encountered is that during next turns when i kill a poke or get hit it still sends the "Shucha berry was activated" message, not sure if it actually means that the berry is activating again despite it being used or if its just a text display error. I dont have a screenshot to go alongside this but when i do i'll update the thread. I also came across another bug with the ability weak armor, If you switch in lets say a vullaby on a poke that has used earthquake and dodge the earthquake as obviously you are immune, the weak armor ability still activates and you get the Defense drop and speed boost.
  12. I love your designs, you clearly put a lot of effort into them, nicely done!
  13. Hello PRO community I'd like to sell this HP Ice Larvesta. RULES: 1. When you made an offer you cannot withdraw it. 2. Pokemon on auction will be sold when start price is met. I WONT CANCEL. 3. Payment can be done in PokeDollars only. No trades or items. 4. Auction starts the moment someone starts the auction and ends 48 hours later, however it might be 3 days because of work schedule. (in case this occurs I will announce it early enough and not at the last moment, dw) 5. Minimum increase of an offer is 50k. Start price: 500k. End of auction:
  14. +1 This bug is game breaking, hope this can be fixed
  15. Thanks for the reply, I wasn't able to replicate the bug either even though I tried numerous times with different people, what can I say except maybe it was a 1 time bug, or a bug with a very low chance of happening, i'll keep my eyes peeled next time a situation like this comes up again and hopefully catch the evidence needed. Coup,
  16. I want to start by saying I have no proof of this because I was so shocked first of all and second it was a two turn process so I had no way of knowing this would happen... So this is a battle where my last pokemon alive is a full hp Greninja with life orb, and my opponents last poke is a full hp Weavile with a choice band, The opponent's Weavile is locked into knock off as a result he uses knock off on my greninja, my gren survives the hit with about 10% hp or a bit less but gets its life orb knocked off, my greninja then proceeds to hit the weavile with low kick one shotting it, AND THEN OUT OF NOWHERE I TAKE RECOIL DAMAGE FROM LIFE ORB, like what ?! it even showcased the message below, as a result my gren died, and even though I killed the weavile first before taking this recoil damage from an imaginary life orb I lose the game... I don't even know how this is possible but please do some testing because this is the most ridiculous bug I have ever come across... If possile i'd like my win points rather than a loss. Coup, EDIT: I just remembered I wasn't at 100% with my Gren i was at 90% as i used it to kill something on a previous turn so life orb damage ticked once
  17. Name Change request Current username: coup0d0boule Change to: Coup
  18. Player name: coup0d0boule Showdown name: coup0d0boule Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 20
  19. Hello, I made it to the top 25 ladder but I don't have access to tutor heaven can something be done about this please? Thank you ign: coup0d0boule
  20. I agree with 90% of these suggestion for tier lists by Akalli, it looks like the fairest and most accurate listing, I would just differ in a few points, and the arguments will be based SOLELY on the pro meta! -First I think that Blissey should be even lower than B+ because it is simply outclassed by chansey, and second with the sheer amount of offensive teams we are seeing right now in the meta (Lucario, Heracross etc..) This pokemon is a lot worst than before. The itroduction of moves like drain punch also help make some pokes more viable therefore making this poke even worse -Crawdaunt deserves to be in A+ right now because of the introduction of Trick Room, this poke will simply be busted and run over both stall and offensive teams its going to be extremely difficult to stop under the right circumstances -Aerodactyl should be at around A- because of the current pro meta with a lot of HO teams, and also balanced teams, it serves as probably the best anti lead poke right now, if you run across while you are using HO you will have a hard time for sure I agree with all the other suggestions by akalli this is a very appropriate list! Thanks Joro for your effort your list is excellent and you put a lot of work into it, for me its the most comprehensive list and also it has the input of many very good pvpers :) PS: Poliwrath at S when?
  21. So unfortunately I do not have evidence as i was not recording the game, but I was playing a PVP game and literaly got a 7 or 8 turn Outrage with my dragonite. I killed three of his pokes (Outrage proced about 4 times by now) and then when he switched to gengar killed it too but got outrage disabled because of "cursed body", the issue is that it kept outraging and the move kept failing resulting in just about 8 consecutive Outrages. So from what I learned its a bug related to my use of choice band and cursed body interacting with outrage. This should be looked into because i believe this will be a common issue that will occur as both Dragonite (banded) and Gengar are very common PVP pokes. Thanks,
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