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Everything posted by Celestic

  1. Selling this Snorunt. Its female so can evolve into both Glalie or Froslass whatever you prefer. Start: 300k Insta: 1m Min raise 20k Time 48 hours after first bid.
  2. +1 i would like to add the idea that the spawns could be changed in a way that Black Medaillon raises the chance of HA for excavation aswell There is alot of mons that are useful with ha and it doesnt work on those spawns
  3. Auction is over winner is @shinchan1996with 600k Waiting for trade now
  4. Thank you for showing but I necessarily need rough skin ability sry
  5. Im looking for a Garchomp 31 Speed IV Jolly Nature Rough Skin Ability I have a budget of around 3m i would like to spent on it. You can contact me here or on discord Celestic#7113
  6. Hello Im selling my Magnezone with 20+ and HP Fire and Magnet Pull Perfect to trap Steel Types like Ferrothorn or Scizor You can offer here or in discord Celestic#7113 I accept: Pokedollar Reroll = 750k Nature Reroll 375k CC=400k Start 500k Insta 2.5m Min Raise 50k Time 48 hours after first bid GL
  7. Pm me on Discord Celestic#7113 I put start and insta prices and time and you can offer here or on Discord HP Fire ones HP Ground
  8. Garchomp, Reuniclus, Vespiquen, Magmortar sold in bundle Post is update
  9. Henlo I will be on Gold for a short time and brought some mons to sell. Feel free to dm me on Discord "Celestic#7113" if you are interested in anything. I'll put prices everywhere however you can still negotiatie or offer smth to trade (Specifically looking for a 31 speed ha Garchomp but open for all) I accept items at: Reroll 750k Nature reroll 375k CC 400k Rare Candy 7k High Price 1m+ Medium Price 500k-1m Lower Price upto 500k Sold
  10. Pokemon traded ingame and post updated Thank you for shopping ^- ^
  11. Auction over and Sarks win Topic can be closed with that beeing said i guess
  12. Start 500k Insta 1m ends 48 hours after first bid
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