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Everything posted by Zsq123

  1. Thank you very much!!! Finally I got my Uxie today after I found that Lustrous Orb hunting gibles in the the northwest of Wayward Cave. And last time, many times I saw nothing when I go there. But I still found no Adamant Orb maybe I have got it in the past I dont know :) Thanks again~
  2. I start my three Lake Trio legendaries quest, i spoke to Dawn and the TV at home. After that, i try to find the Adamant Orb in every spot, but I cant find it. So, I havnt battled Dialga and Arceus at their respective spots, But I can finish all the request of the lake ghost and I have obtained the seen data of the three Lake Trio legendaries. And now, Down still saying: "how was your investigation " , does not offer options: "azelf-uxie-mesprit" . I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. Here is the screenshot.
  3. ty i only have ︎314 Evolution Data
  4. I have caught zapdos and moltres, but now I cant catch articuno with 120 Ice Gems adn my ot 153 IVs Smoochum.... That Smoochum have been caught after activating the task talking to the repective Elders, and i have log out to lown it to my pc computer... Something wrong or bug?
  5. 350k nincada adamant
  6. whats going on?
  7. hello~ ''100+ IVs'' means >100ivs or >=100ivs???
  8. hello~ ’‘100+ IVs‘’ means >= 100ivs or > 100ivs?
  9. is there any guide?
  10. hello~ my friend's id is mine666
  11. Hello,there~ My friend is doing the story , after she all done with Hannah and talk to Hannah again to go to sinnoh, but the server crashed just then. When my friend connect the server again, she found hannah has disappeared in Pokemon League Hoenn. So, she cant unlock sinnoh, cant finish the story. Eventhough 12 days have passed,new client has download, hannah is gone... We need some help~
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