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Everything posted by Wargreymon

  1. No need, I was just curious about it :)
  2. you type in to get the discord role for the server you're playing. (mostly for organization's sake)
  3. I pop up occasionally and read some topics that interest me. So I noticed new posts on that subforum but when I entered the thread it said I didn't have the permission. (even though I have the former staff role) https://prnt.sc/inrdwj
  4. There should be a returning player package. Just saying
  5. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 20/09/17 - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>I don't know who this George is but he'll never be a boss like me.</t>
  6. Congratulations
  7. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <t>Wasn't breeding never being implemented for the reason that PRO is and always gonna be a grinding game? Welp, this move will just hit your playerbase hard and you'll realize it pretty soon.</t>
  8. Why can't you add an exception to the firewall?
  9. Goodbye, see you in heaven
  10. Depends on the Pokemon actually. If they use Legendaries or Pseudo-Legendaries they should be banned, but banning a Meowth for example is no use at all.
  11. https://prntscr.com/e7vcge
  12. I throw rocks near the animal so they could get the hell out of me (I have dog trauma because I was bitten as a kiddo)
  13. Not one clue about who you are lol Welcome back
  14. I would if I knew that the police would come, and I was smoking cigarettes
  15. I threw the stone out of rage, my gf broke up with me
  16. Well it isn't like a real arrest, they brought me to the station and shouted at me till my parents came, and then they shouted together
  17. I set it up to quality and didn't work either, I set to balanced and didn't change either.
  18. Yeah, parents picked me up later and I got just a ticket. Me too XD
  19. Police arrested me once for trowing rock against a train way back as a teen
  20. You should have taken pictures when the transfer & daycare deal were made. If you have it should be easy to get the pokemon back. He's banned, so his words lack credibility without solid evidence.
  21. You hijacked my topic XD, but fine. Have fun Didn't help
  22. I click on apply and it happened on that picture, but after re-entering the client the resolution is changed and nothing is changed. All latest drivers and DirectX, I needed it for another game, it is set on perfomance. I might change on quality and re-post. Both Winrar and 7-zip
  23. I'm surprised there's only one profile like that
  24. So I decided to play pro again and I downloaded the Client. I extracted, opened and saw that some stuff was missing. Also, blurry. I thought that it was something in the settings, so when I turned on V-sync and clicked on apply this has happened:
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