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Everything posted by Wargreymon

  1. It is also shown in the PokéNavi. When you find the location of the Pokémon in the Pokédex you can search the route manually and look up if the Poké is caught by surf or fishing.
  2. Payday doesn't work out of battle.
  3. It isn't possible to reset the account. You have two options: Make a profile on the other server Make an alternate account using the same e-mail Note: You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person.
  4. Only when old pokemon like Ash's Charizard appear.
  5. Welcome to PRO :)
  6. Please post into donation issues.
  7. Digimon and after that Dragon Ball in a row on RTL 2 back in the old days
  8. Check your e-mails again.
  9. Check your spam/junk folder, if it isn't there make a new account with a gmail address
  10. Goodbye mate :) I'll hit you up sometimes on skype
  11. Shane is actively working on the server issues these couple of days and we hope it will be settled soon.
  12. Android version is currently out-dated. Please wait for the new version, we're sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. It is our responsibility as staffers to tell you that sometimes the servers can crash.
  14. We just don't have time for this currently so there won't be an official wiki in the near future. Although, there's a player-made wiki that was made before where players updated their info and similiar stuff. https://pokemon-revolution.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Revolution_Online_Wikia
  15. Shane is the only one who does the client programming, so it is the same with other versions with the client. And also, it is taking for so long because this android client update won't be just simple bug fixes and tweaks.
  16. That aren't part of the client directly, client stuff are menus and pop-ups.
  17. It will be fixed asap.
  18. Translations of the menu and some client stuff are planned while NPCs and quests will not be.
  19. 1. Will be done 2. No, this has been discussed on many occasions, please search via the search tab to see. 3. That is lag. 4. Those trainers lvls are made like only to make the gyms more intense and the grinding prior more important. 5. Isn't necessary to you tell the truth, idle players get into afk state and get kicked after some time anyways. 6. A lot of words are already filtered and we keep adding them
  20. ^^ This will be available in a later version of the client.
  21. Very nice drawings :)
  22. Welcome to PRO :) Enjoy the game
  23. Re: PRO Forum: link Images <t>The server was probably down</t>
  24. It really doesn't matter, just double check before you login.
  25. Yes, you do. Well until we fix the server stability issue.
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