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Everything posted by Sushi

  1. Ok haha, you have the b.o now :kiss:
  2. [glow=orange] [/glow]
  3. Hello, Higana, I would like to suggest something, because sometimes I would like to put a look like food and some hat, like cat ears or party hat and I have to choose between one or the other even an item being in the mouth / Face and another on top of the head, then, I have a Suggestion: - A new Customization Item Category (Face Items: like Foods, Glasses, Beard with Glasses) now with Head, Face and Clothes Items. Clothes: More Pokemon Costumes, Pajamas, Animal Kigurumis, Ninja Clothes (with Katana on the back), Clothes with Boots and Scarf, Steampunk Clothes Accessories: Scarfs, Pocky Sticks (like Food), Bandanas, Ninja Masks, Tacos (like Food), Chicken Drumstick (like Food), Watermelon Ice Cream Bar (like Food), Steampunk Goggles (On the Head) Thank you very much for your attention! :Heart:
  4. A big thanks for this :Heart: :y:
  5. [glow=orange] [/glow]
  6. Ok haha, you have the b.o now :kiss:
  7. Amazing work, wow :Cool: I loved it, I'm impressed!! :Heart:
  8. Hii, Bird, nice to meet you :Angel:
  9. Re: mysteries art shop <r>Nice work, Mysteries! <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> Good luck with your Art Shop <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  10. But when I deleted the players who didn't play anymore, my new friends continued to disappear :confused: And not just new friends, but friends that I added a while ago, like my sister, for example, who started playing with me and some other older friends :Shocked: This with less than 35 users on my friends list :D:
  11. Well, I share my notebook with my sister and sometimes I need to play on my cell phone. :Crazy: Unfortunately, large posts with lots of information don't completely load on my phone, missing some information. This is really very annoying sometimes... :D: So I agree with your suggestion! +1 :y:
  12. I'm sorry for that, Daen, these decisions are never easy :Frown: Although I haven't known you that much, I know you are a great person! And I'm sure many will miss you, after all, this was like your home :Angel: I wish everything good in your life, have great opportunities and be happy! Take care, Daen :Heart:
  13. Ok, you have the b.o :Shy:
  14. I currently have 49 friends in my friends list and I always come across a bug... :D: My friends literally disappear from my list, we don't delete or something, they just disappear :Shocked: I've already stayed with only 20 friends and the bug has continued... This is very annoying :Bored:
  15. Re: ¤ New Guild Blue Server - Team Plasma Recruiting ¤ <r>Good luck with the Guild <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  16. Pikachu u.u
  17. Hey, nice to meet you :Angel: Welcome to PRO :Heart:
  18. Welcome to PRO :Heart:
  19. Sushi


    Recolored Pokemon, Pinkan Island (new map with Pink Pokemon), New Quests Event (like quest to help the Torkoal in Valley of Steel), Valentine's Day Event... :confused: Omg, it can be anything :Shocked:
  20. I loved your art, you're very good at it :Shocked: :Crazy: :Heart:
  21. Yeah, just wait for the end of Round 1 FatManClt Ex: Tlblt420 or Barakel, one of the two will be his opponent in Round 2 Good luck :Heart:
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