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Everything posted by Idkup

  1. as i said, don't run bold on roserade, most decently powered STAB attacks will still outright KO it...
  2. don't run bold on roserade, it's phys bulk is laughable even invested either calm natural cure spikes / sleep powder / leaf storm / sludge bomb or timid technician sleep powder / leaf storm / sludge bomb / hidden power [fire] / [ice]
  3. that's exactly why skrelp is not there, I don't think two ER pokemon on the same map with same sync is a good idea, ever. If they want to do that, they might as well put axew, dratini, bagon, gible, trapinch and all the jolly/adamant dragon on the same map. lapras is more or less useless in pvp, so that's not really an issue imo, at least not any more than being able to hunt jolly haxorus and jolly dnite simultaneously
  4. Idkup

    Stalling team

    clefable @ leftovers ability: magic guard bold nature 252 hp 252 def 4 spdef - calm mind - moonblast - soft-boiled - heal bell / thunder wave never have a problem with stall ever again
  5. how do you abuse the cd timer lol you don't have to dc to push, dcing just makes it obvious to staff, which would be a good thing...?
  6. Re: Remove 45 Minute Penalty (PvP) <t>yea, 45 minutes is ridiculous, because pushing still exists anyways x.x</t>
  7. i don't have 150 evos but is the draco meteor tutor in here?
  8. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9 <t>eelektross is weak as hell, it's like electivire but weaker, it's also extremely slow. no weaknesses means nothing when every respectable STAB attack 2hkos you cleanly and you have no reliable recovery. furthermore, electric as a defensive typing provides few useful resistances, levitate gives you ground but theres a million other things you could use as a ground switch in, e.g. skarmory, tangrowth</t>
  9. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.9 <t>Also can you perhaps clean up ranks a bit to get rid of some clearly non-viable Pokemon like Eelektross and Floatzel, which really have no place in this meta?</t>
  10. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.8 <t>also gengar, weavile, sand rush excadrill, and the other fast but frail mons that benefit immensely from life orb need a bump</t>
  11. I should have made it more obvious I was trolling tbh. Next time I guess.
  12. ignore this post meant to edit
  13. did you even read my last post it was supposed to be a spoof of ban talonflame because lets be real clef is way more bannable
  14. this was a meme post because 'ban talonflame' apparently had supporters
  15. considering theres a thread for talonflame and clefable is more broken by far, this is completely justified. 1st - it can do literally everything, set stealth rock, spread status, sweep lategame, absorb status, heal bell 2nd - an extremely limited selection of checks puts major strain on teambuilding: excadrill, metagross, acid spray tentacruel, taunt gliscor, life orb gengar, and magnezone 3rd - it can bypass its checks by either running flamethrower / psyshock or simply crippling them with thunder wave 4th - its bulk allows it free switches on virtually half the metagame 5th - its ability, magic guard, nullifies hazard damage, status damage, seed damage, and weather damage, making semi- and full- stall staples complete setup bait and essentially invalidating the playstyles entirely 6th - in addition to its defensive and support utility, calm mind clef can clean effectively lategame against everything slower than hyper-offense 7th - clefable's ability also renders it immune to life orb recoil, which it can utilize to lure otherwise safe checks with an offensive set, i.e. lo ice beam vs gliscor, ohko... furthermore it has the movepool to do this: moonblast, ice beam, thunderbolt, psyshock... 8th - it is one of the most reliable stealth rock setters in the game tl;dr ban clefable its way more broken than talonflame [glow=red]/s[/glow] because im bad at writing sarcastically and people are taking this seriously edit: made /s bigger
  16. hidden power mechanics are gen 6, I think they screwed up and made the set power for HP 50 instead of 60 tho weather mechanics are definitely gen 6 If this was Gen 5, Kingdra and friends would have permanent rain via Drizzle and Excadrill permanent sand from Sand Stream... we'd have way more problems than the smogonbird
  17. um... this is not how it works in the main series Pokemon games at least. Honestly this system is kinda dumb if only for making certain Pokemon ridiculously easy to train while [Censored] over others... by main series games you mean the hand helds right? higher evos have always required more exp than their respective lower evos since yellow version... its just part of the game and makes perfect sense. Stronger pokemon? harder to gain exp. uhh no https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Experience
  18. rocks+slowbro and talon shouldn't be a problem anymore * rocks + LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT CAN FORCE TFLAME OUT (aka half the meta) anyways stuff thats way more broken than tflame atm: MGuard Clefable (rip stall) STag Gothitelle (rip stall except doesn't fit on most teams) SRush Excadrill (unlike tflame it wears down its checks faster than it itself is worn down) hell DD Gyarados is more broken than tflame tbh at least it has defensive utility
  19. rocks+slowbro and talon shouldn't be a problem anymore * rocks + LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT CAN FORCE TFLAME OUT (aka half the meta)
  20. um... this is not how it works in the main series Pokemon games at least. Honestly this system is kinda dumb if only for making certain Pokemon ridiculously easy to train while screwing over others...
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