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Everything posted by Imtrippin

  1. Hey, what's your discord name?
  2. A bump for the best community in the game! :Grin:
  3. It happens to me as well. Not only in pvp, but also vs wild pokemon and vs npcs. I think it's a graphic bug, but not sure. I doubt it's connection problems for me at least.
  4. Perhaps it was just my team that was weak against it because i didnt have a strong sp attacker and 3 of my mons were weak to its attacks. Most likely that or you just didn't know how to stop it since it was your first time encountering it and you didn't know what happened until it was too late.
  5. Careful malamar is the best build and it's still bad. It's just not a good pokemon for competetive. If it's impish or anything else without spdef, then you can deal with it easily with any strong spatker.
  6. 252 SpA Life Orb Alakazam Signal Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Malamar: 380-452 (101 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO 252 Atk Choice Band Talonflame U-turn vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Malamar: 368-436 (97.8 - 115.9%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery and switch into a faster mon 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Malamar: 594-702 (157.9 - 186.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO 252+ Atk Choice Band Rhyperior Megahorn vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Malamar: 1008-1188 (268 - 315.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO Here are a few other mons that easily deal with malamar.
  7. Good luck!
  8. No, the shadow tags users aren't even meant to be counters to ferrothorn and skarmory, it's just straight up broken since it traps everything. It was banned for a reason. -1
  9. No problem mate
  10. Hey, there's a thread for this. You might want to ask there. Here's the link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=70075 :y:
  11. Nice idea. :y:
  12. Hey, I sent you a frend request on discord :Grin:
  13. Upon further investigation it seems that Jirachi should be able to learn Body Slam via the Tutor in Saffron Dojo, it will cost you 15,000 Pokedollars. Please try learning it there and let me know if you manage to learn it. I apologize for the confusion, Have a nice day Oh thanks! I'm on vacation right now, but I'll try it when I'm back home. It just popped in my mind that I should make a thread about it. I'm sure it works though since you unlocked this just to tell me. Thanks for the help :Exclam:
  14. Also stay tuned on discord. They also announce it there. Yeah I usually check the announcements once a day. Thanks :y:
  15. Oh ok... I hope this gets fixed soon then. Thanks for the answer.
  16. Hey, I've wanted to teach my jirachi body slam gor a while now and since it didn't learn it by the tm I bought I assume you can learn it by the legemdary move tutor. So I followed the guide here on the forums and completed it, but it's still not enough in game. I also saw that other players had the same problem in the guide thread. Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do? :thanks:
  17. The guild post has been updated again. Thanks ayu, for always improving my lazy work :Crazy:
  18. I added you on discord :Grin:
  19. Hey, I need to know your discord tag as well.
  20. This is not something to be fixed. It's a part of the gen 6 mechanics. Stop making threads about this. You're just annoying everyone, and if this is supposed to be a troll then it's not funny.
  21. Hey, I added you on discord! :y:
  22. Hey, a friend request has been sent. :Grin:
  23. Hey, I'm glad to hear you want to join us. What's your discord name?
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