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Everything posted by Imtrippin

  1. Blissey/chansey snorlax and ferrothorn work for most.
  2. Your team kind of looks like you put a bunch of random pokemon together. I really recommend trying out one or two out of these teams: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/80786-url/ They should be a good start for a new player. But maybe you want to do something with a core from those pokemon? Maybe I can help you build a team then.
  3. Hey, I don't really remember if I released mine before or after, but it was a while ago. Username: ImPoppy Server: Blue Legendary: Mew
  4. All I can say is that I'm waiting for it all to be fully implemented, including defog gliscor.
  5. Once you get access to love island, which isn't very hard, getting all those OT pokemon for sinnoh won't be hard. The items are also very easy to obtain at love island by rock smashing. Good luck.
  6. What is your Discord tag? Drawniel#4984 How often do you use Discord? Pretty much every day. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I'm not really sure, since I'm usually not very active in your server, but it would be nice with more discord events.
  7. I like the forums as they are right now. Great work :p
  8. Hey there, We'll need your full Discord Tag... being the name and the numbers after. Example#0000, for instance. my discord tag is ;OnfireMan#7256 Check your discord :y:
  9. Yup, I've been wanting this for a very very long time. +1
  10. I like the idea. It would also be nice if the system could somehow give points for shinies, like for their rarity, nature and ivs. Reborn bot already gives you points for good catches if I'm not misstaken and I think that adding something like that would go well with your idea. Anyway, good thought. I hope this goes through even if I'm not a collector myself. :Grin:
  11. If you only pvp for fun, then there's no harm to queue up in ranked with a fun team. If you're not lvl 100, then you will just have to settle for challenging since the developers are focusing on another game right now, and I doubt any big changes will happen to this game at this point other than the rotating events.
  12. I don't see the need of making a new "battle option" when you can just challenge someone to a battle and set up your own desired rules for your match.
  13. Welcome mate! I hope you enjoy your stay. If you want to make some friends in this game then I suggest you join a guild. There are plenty of good communities here. Here's a link to the guild reqruitment forums: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=35 . :Grin:
  14. We now have space for 100 members because of the new update, so there's plenty of space for new friends :Grin:
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