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Everything posted by Imtrippin

  1. It's about time the guild ladder actually had a point. +1 Edit: Dakivid's ideas about the hall of fame and friendliest and most infamous guild is also good so +1 for that as well.
  2. It has a special tutor in Hearthome city.
  3. There's already a feature called guild islands on the way. Guilds will be able to buy an island with spawns, pc, shop and a bunch of other stuff. There's no ETA for it as far as I know, but it's already on the way.
  4. I'm pretty sure sap sipper works as intended as I'm 99% sure I've seen goodras get attack boosts by me sporing, leech seeding etc but I could be misstaken since I haven't pvped much lately. About adding 2vs2 fights I think that would be pretty fun but there are just so many things that need to be implemented before that, like finishing the codes of all moves (at least substitute and a few more important moves/abilities) and adding Alola pokemon to finally make this game's pvp SM OU and not just XY OU with SM mechanics since that's just a weird meta that doesn't even exist. Anyway, good idea. I'd like it to be added. +1
  5. Imtrippin


    Right should be right. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. +1 ofc
  6. Wow you're a genius, thank you for such a wonderful idea. +1
  7. I don't understand your question or statement. Psychic isn't super effective vs ghost, it's neutral and ghost types are super effective vs psychic. If your question is what psychic types are good vs ghosts then Alakazam would be a good option I guess since it gets shadow ball.
  8. I like the 2nd, 4th, 5th and the 6th suggestion. Hopefully they get implemented sometime.
  9. First of all you marked EVS, not IVS. Secondly, a pokemon's overall viability isn't only determined by the IVS so there could still be for example a "mystic" h.a xatu with quirky nature. Would anyone buy it? Of course not, it's trash with or without the "mystic" title. Basically I don't see how this solves anything and all it would do is it would just make players compare their epics and tell each other "oh but my gliscor is legendary and yours is only epic!". Personally I don't see anything beneficial about this at all since as I said, a pokemon's worth is decided by rarity, IVS, nature, ability, general pvp viability and ongoing events that could lower the value due to everyone hunting it. Good luck with the thread, I don't think it will happen.
  10. It would obviously be great but at this point I don't think it will ever happen.
  11. Giovanni is really easy to beat. Just train your pokemon a bit or just use a magnemite with sturdy as envymeister said.
  12. Imtrippin

    Pvp point system

    I agree on that you shouldn't be able to queue up vs players that have such a huge difference in rating, but I disagree on that you shouldn't lose more rating vs lower rated players and earn less as well. If you as a 300+ rated player beat a 0 rated player you should obviously get less rating than if you beat someone with 400. What I'm trying to say is that someone with 0 rating is either new/bad at pvp or hasn't started for the season. You shouldn't be able to farm easy rating vs low rated players like that. If anything is unfair then that would be it. So it's a good thing that the game rewards you more for beating higher rated players. Either way, I agree that the queue system should improve so +1 on that.
  13. @Mafi Hey I can't find you since we don't share discord servers so I tried adding you, but it said the name was incorrect. My name is: Drawniel#4984. Hopefully this works. Another edit: I just noticed 2 pictures aren't working. So yeah, let's fix this on discord x)
  14. Foreground Photo: [the main photo in your design] [MEDIA=imgur]USNVuJD[/MEDIA] Background Photo/GIF: [the background of your design] [MEDIA=giphy]MUHLBx7Ysu33xvxfgT[/MEDIA] Design Type: Signature, Avatar, Animated Signature, etc. Animated signature I guess? Design Size: http://www.vanillaorchids.org/hosted-tutorials/index.php <- post link in new tab to look at sizes] 500x250 Main Text: [the main text of your design] I'd like the text to say "Reconnecting...", preferably in another gif if possible with the dots moving if possible. Sub Text: [a smaller text below your main text, if it is wanted] I'd like the sub text to say "A meme". Font: https://www.dafont.com/ <- post link in new tab to look at fonts] I'd like the font that's called "Game over" (https://www.dafont.com/game-over.font) Font Color: Umm I would like something green-ish, maybe similar to this but if it doesn't fit with the background you can change it to black. Font Outline: [do you want an outline around your font, if so what color] No. Border Around Image: [do you want a border around your background, if you what color] I'd like this picture to cover the entire border repeatedly: [MEDIA=https://imgur.com/a/93WStKV[/MEDIA][/color][/color] Border Around Foreground Character: [do you want a border around your foreground character, if so what color] I'm good. Theme: [light and airy, dark and sinister, etc] I would prefer if the signature was pretty light. Extra: [anything you want to add?] Not anything I can think of right now other than having the dots after my name as a gif with the same font. You don't have to do it if it's too troublesome though, so good luck with making the signature. [/MEDIA] Edit: As you can see the first image doesn't work and I can't figure out why but it's a png of a Joy emoji, same image as my profile picture here accually. If it's possible I could send this to you on discord, if not then you can just use any similar png from google.
  15. +1 it's so annoying as a hardcore stall player to always get swept 1v6 vs Fearow, not to mention eviolite murkrow and pidgey. Honestly all these birds are way too op and should be banned. Thank you for making this thread.
  16. I can't take this seriously. Good luck with the thread.
  17. It's fun how all the "arguments" for accually banning these pokemon aren't even true and have a serious lack of logic which was replaced by saltiness. As I already said, countering stall is pretty easy and especially in a game without team preview. You can literally just instantly put up rocks, make the opponent defog and then proceed to switch in bisharp and sweep. If there's anything in pokemon competetive that "doesn't require skill" it's how players abuse the fact that there's no team preview. The same goes for arena trap. There's simply no counterplay at the moment since we can't inspect the opponents' teams. In my oppinion if there's any team archetype that's easy to beat then it's stall, just because how easy it is to weaken the walls, the lack of Mega Sableye and other strong defensive walls that are in showdown. You keep talking about how staff listens to a few "noobs who cry" which leads them to ban away actual overpowered pokemon but in fact it's them just mimicing how real competetive pokemon works and it's YOU who are crying about something easy to counter instead of getting better at the game and figuring out how to easily counter these 3 pokemon. Edit: Oh and I also forgot to mention one of the most important reasons why stall is accually not that great in pro which is the lack of unaware. The ability unaware is along with mega sableye what lets stall stand somewhat of a chance against hyper offensive teams. But with these gone there's just nothing that playstyle can do about high pressure teams such as HO.
  18. "I think its time to change the meta, playing 2 hour for only one match." I have never ever played a match even close to 2 hours. The longest that one ever took was 50 minutes (which was way too long) and that was due to my opponent time stalling. From my experiance pro pvp matches take between 5-15 minutes and I usually play teams that are balanced or are defensive. "we are on POKEMON REVOLUTION ONLINE". This game is an online pokemon mmo game with a pvp system which means that it follows the rules of real competetive pokemon. Those rules are here for a reason and they make the pvp system healthy. Okay, so let's start with your suggestion of banning both Blissey and Chansey. You say that there is absolutely no counterplay whatsoever and that even strong physial attackers can't touch them and that "Without a big boost you can't kill them easely". Let me show how terribly wrong you are. Here are a few examples: 252+ Atk Life Orb Huge Power Diggersby Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 507-598 (71 - 83.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (get 1 sword dance up on diggersby and you literally 1 shot every single tank in the game except skarmory) 252 Atk Life Orb Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 463-549 (64.8 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery and keep in mind you can spore the Blissey/chansey and then set up easily if your opponent decides to stay in since Blissey and Chansey are so "op" XD 252 Atk Choice Band Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 560-660 (78.4 - 92.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 252+ Atk Life Orb Conkeldurr Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 1071-1263 (150 - 176.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO 150%+? XD yeah you absolutely can't kill Blissey without a boost lmao 252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 357-420 (50 - 58.8%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery wait what's that... a special attacker that 2 shot's Blissey, the mighty special defense wall? XD And while chansey does tank a little better, all these mons easily deal with it, and there are many many many many more that easily deal with these mons, but i think I already proved my point. "Arena trap shadow tag could counter them but its ban. There is any good reason to ban this ability, only staller cry about that cause if they can't switch, they can't do their stalling. I see some guys saying that Gothitelle shadow tag vs blissey take too much time and its boring, yes i agree then stop blissey and player stop playing gothitelle ? If you play offense team, shadow tag will be useless." Especially shadow tag is a beyond broken ability that lets you set up how much you want, up to +6 spdef and spatk if you wish and then proceed to sweep a whole team without any skill, especially since there's no team preview. Arena trap lets you kill off a pokemon without any counterplay as they can't switch out and you basically put the opponent in a bad spot where they can't do anything at all, this also helps strong special attackers on your team as most people don't have more than 1 strong special defense wall. You basically get rewarded for abusing the fact that there's no team preview. "- Ban Togekiss, there is no skill to play with flinch until the RNG is not coded correctly. Be honnest, its not 60% chance to flinch with that, its more around 75%. He is in all team ! Some play Scarf with Air slash, flinch air slash, flinch, air slash flinch and other make Thunder Wawe and Air slash flinch air slash Flinch air slash Flinch. Nice skill !" If someone is stupid enough to play with choice scarf Togekiss (as many bad pvpers in this game are) then you should consider yourself lucky since you will probably win. But let's name a few counters, shall we? So one counter is Heatran which beats Togekiss by either flash cannoning it to death, using toxic and then stalling it out or just lava pluming since it does more damage than Togekiss will do to Heatran unless it has both nasty plot and aura sphere. Don't worry, you can simply toxic or flash cannon that togekiss and switch out to a togekiss check after you used toxic (if you don't have flash cannon). Weavile revenge kills togekiss, Scizor beats Togekiss easily unless it carries flamethrower, Blissey and Chansey beat Togekiss with toxic, Goodra also beats Togekiss with sludge bomb or thunderbolt. Since it's pretty easy to find out wether a Togekiss is scarfed or not it's also usually pretty easy to play around as it becomes very predictable. If you for example find out it's bulky with nasty plot you could also bring out your thunderbolt Latios and 2 shot it. And these counters were just from the top of my head, there are more of course. "Without this 3 pokemons we could have more different team and a better rotation in ladder! Stop the team Skarmory / Tangrowth / Blissey or Chansey / Slowbro / Alomomola and ( put here another tank )" If you think the meta is filled with stall teams only then I guarantee you could reach ladder without any problems at all with any hyper offensive team. Stall teams simply can't handle the constant pressure that you put on them and they just don't have the tempo to play vs it. This also solves your "2 hour match" problem as with hyper offensive teams you either win or lose very quick. Conclusion: learn about how pvp works and understand how the meta game works before you complain, because it's not as bad as you think. You just make it that way for yourself by either poor building, poor game knowledge or both. Anyway, good luck in pvp and hopefully this makes you realize why it would be a bad idea to ban Blissey, Chansey, Togekiss and also forbit teams with 6 tanks. Have a good day.
  19. +1 I think this is a great idea, should be implemented as soon as possible
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