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Everything posted by Grandwarden

  1. Hey! I assume you haven't merged your accounts yet. The red and blue servers were merged and were named silver and yellow was renamed as Gold. If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue accounts. You can merge them in the dashboard, make sure to select the right server as your main server. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ If you're still unable to log into Silver after merging your account, you'll have to reset your password on the Dashboard. For more info about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, take a look at the following links: Merge FAQ- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url Merge common errors-https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/common-merge-errors.90848/ If you cannot login even after you merge, please change your password on the Dashboard and attempt again. Luck! Regards, Warden
  2. Hello! I am against your suggestion and I will say why. First, this is an MMO, mate and it means that grinding is one of the important aspects, it should be challenging. Second, there are ways to defeat the 8th and 2nd gym of Kanto. To defeat Giovanni, you will have to use a Magnemite with Sturdy ability and also with the move Thunderwave, and then, you get to move first and you can defeat it. For Misty, if your starter is Pikachu or Bulbasaur, it will be easy. And moreover, a Budew from Viridian Forest and an Oddish can be obtained from an NPC in the beggining. Good luck. Regards, Warden
  3. Oh, so you have not defeated the Guardian 4 times consecutively? Yes, as Carlito said, the chance is 100% that the Suicune will spawn there. You have to win 4 times without losing. Hence, good luck!
  4. Hello, Unfortunately, Server Transfer is not possible as of now, but there are chances it might be offered in the future again. A thread had been specially created for users to post server transfer requests (The thread-https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/server-transfer-this-is-your-chance.92234/). Hence, you should keep an eye on the forums and see when this topic will reopen! Additionally, a new website is being released and as mentioned here, Server Transfer might be possible with the new website. It is not possible with real money as well. For now, you will just have to wait. Good luck! Regards, Warden
  5. Hello! I am willing to create a new guild! Even before, I had created one, but due to lack of support and my sudden hiatus, I had to disband it. Now, I would like to recruite members who would like to help me with this. Please comment here if you would like to contribute. Thank you! Regards, Warden
  6. Hello! In the future, please make use of General Support sub-forum for assistance with these types of issues. This sub-forum's topic is- 'Everything you want to discuss about gaming consoles, smartphones and technology.' So now, follow these steps and hope it would work; 1) Update all of your Display/Graphics drivers. 2)Download the latest version of your Windows. 3) Move your folder from your current hard drive to another one. 4) Restart you PC. Then, try again. Hope this helps! Regards, Warden
  7. Hello! There are some possible solutions which you should try and I hope they work for you; Wish you luck! Regards, Warden
  8. Hello, Unfortunately, Server Transfer is not possible as of now, but there are chances it might be offered in the future again. A thread had been specially created for users to post server transfer requests (The thread-https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/server-transfer-this-is-your-chance.92234/). Hence, you should keep an eye on the forums and see when this topic will reopen! Additionally, a new website is being released and as mentioned here, Server Transfer might be possible with the new website. For now, you will just have to wait. Good luck! Regards, Warden
  9. Edit: Not applying as I am not fulfulling requirements mentioned on Discord.
  10. Hello! Unfortunately, the chances are very less that the game would be translated. The options-menu might be translated in the future. Also, the new website will have translations. Nonetheless, I doubt about the game as said by Shamac: [spoiler=French Translation:] salut! Malheureusement, il y a peu de chance que le jeu soit traduit. Le menu options pourrait être traduit dans le futur. En outre, le nouveau site Web aura des traductions. Néanmoins, je doute du jeu comme l'a dit Shamac: Good luck!
  11. Do you support Sharks created by Gomper or Dolphins by me to oppose Sharks?
  12. Wonderful guide. Nice work David.
  13. Yes, and hence the game needs to be unziped first. Please try to follow these steps to solveyour crash; Crash issues guides; ▪︎ Win7 Guide ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix ▪︎ Android Guide ▪︎ Mac Guide ▪︎ Linux/GNU Guide ▪︎ Cannot open PRO in Mac Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps) 1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip 2. Disable anti-virus program 3. Restart computer Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions 1. The Unarchiver 2. WinZip5 3. Keka 4. BetterZiip Others solution: Update driver and reinstall Direct X Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client. If still, it isnt solved, posting your crash log should help! Gl!
  14. H Hey! The red and blue servers were merged and were named silver and yellow was renamed as Gold. If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue accounts. You can merge them in the dashboard, make sure to select the right server as your main server. https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/ If you're still unable to log into Silver after merging your account, you'll have to reset your password on the Dashboard. For more info about the merge and about the errors that might occur with it, take a look at the following links: Merge FAQ- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/88616-url Merge common errors-https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/common-merge-errors.90848/ Gud luck!!
  15. Hey! The moves are not coded yet so yes, they are aware of it. I am not sure if it is listed in that thread, if not, they will I assume. But, Reborn not clearly says the three moves are not coded yet. No idea if it would be coded or not. But never say never! Regards, Grand Warden
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