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Former Staff
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Everything posted by Shaui

  1. Hey! Welcome back :3
  2. Welcome back! :3
  3. Good luck with your studies!
  4. Farewell, and good luck with your future endeavours!
  5. Hey there, Zizter! The item maniacs are currently blocked off while we work on fixing an issue with them. Once we finish fixing the issue, we will unblock them. There is no estimated time for when we will be finished fixing them, but keep an eye on the forums in the meanwhile.
  6. Shaui

    Update Logs

    Clothes in the PvE shop are untradable.
  7. Hey! Welcome to PRO!
  8. Farewell, and good luck with your future endeavours!
  9. Servers are currently down for maintenance because we are updating the game. There is no estimated time for us to finish, please be paitent in the meanwhile and feel free to hang out with us in our official discord server: https://discord.gg/98pMNxq That being said, I will now lock the thread and hope you have a great day!
  10. As always there is never an estimated time of arrival we give out for our events and or updates. Speaking on behalf of PRO staff, we are sorry we let you down, however we are volunteers and do this in our spare time. Different things/bugs/etc can cause a delay in things and sometimes things you can't prepare for can happen which can lead to the delay of events and updates. As you can see also here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/update-logs.3149/post-623015 Our latest update is quite massive and was quite important so that we may continue working on the game. Some of these updates will help us a lot with future events and making new content, as well as make things a lot more streamlined and better behind the scenes. I do understand your frustrations and they are justified, however, it is quite worth it in terms of what you are getting. We just ask for continued patience as we continue to update things within the game, in-order to provide a better experience for our playerbase and even greater things for the future of PRO.
  11. Please watch how you address others and conduct yourself in accordance to our forum rules: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/84852-url This is a verbal warning. Further toxicity on this thread will not be tolerated.
  12. Hey there the gold server is back and operational! It had crashed and was in need of a reboot. I will lock the thread and hope you have a great day :)
  13. Yes,we do offer server transfer from time to time, and we announce it across the PRO Scope when they are open :P
  14. Welcome to PRO! Silver is the more "competitive" server when it comes to pvp, so you might enjoy the competitive scene a bit more over there. I hope you enjoy the game!
  15. Happy halloween!
  16. Better late than never, and happy early birthday!
  17. Hey, welcome back!
  18. Welcome back!
  19. Long time no see! Welcome back, glad to see you doing well :3
  20. Geez it's about time :P Welcome to the forums!
  21. Welcome to the forums :3
  22. Welcome to PRO!
  23. Welcome!
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