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Everything posted by Silv3rwolf

  1. dungeon idea was great but the biggest weakness i see is the party chat and we dont know who are the party members after entering the dungeon i play solo and randoms completely made the quest unplayable to me,which is very unpleasant.Hope mods can add solo mods option so players can choose what they want.choice is always better than forcing players
  2. Are u from silver or gold?
  3. SERVER TRANSFER Username:Silv3rwolf Server to charge the money from:silver Main Server to transfer:change my account server from silver to gold
  4. nice tricks
  5. +1
  6. good luck bro and sayonara
  7. name change current username: ALANSVH change into ( silv3rwolf )
  8. user name : alansvh server : silver
  9. iam alansvh :P
  10. i would like to buy breloom for insta pm me my discord id is alan#7985 pm me when u are free
  11. ok 3 days from your bid
  12. wts shiny gallade auction starts3.5m insta 8m min raise 500k 3 days from first bid raised willbe the period time left 21hrs left b.o 4m
  13. i want to buy ev train service for happiny 252 def and 252 sp.def
  14. 1.what is your ign? alansvh 2.are you active in discord? Yes,iam so active im discord 3.where are you from? Iam from india 4.what is your playtime?/how often you play? I have 1250+hrs playtime in pro and i play nearly 4hrs daily 5.what is your goal in pro? My goalis to have best shinies in pro and have lots of fun from fellow members of pro 6.why do you want to be part of choas? I want to be part of chaos because it is unique guild unlike others which stood as one of the old guilds in pro.I felt that you guys are so nice and friendly,so it woulbe a awesome time to be with you 7.what is your favorite pokemon and why? My fav poke is gardevoir(shiny),cuz it is so cute and i love shiny collection.Hope i find one soon 8.What is your fav pet and why? i love all animals but fell in love wirh dogs especially because they are so cute and often to do so many naughty thungs to make is laugh
  15. i accidentally released my shiny pidgey sir iam from silver server
  16. i can stop the aunction at any point if i feel the price is too low and auction begins at 1.5m min raise 100k auction willbe finished in 2 days from the start of first bid
  17. i would like to bid 100k
  18. iam interested in gastly my bid for one of the gastly is 100k,
  19. name change : blue server current name : ALANSVH new name : silverpheonix (only blue server, no need red server.)
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