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Everything posted by Askaro

  1. I accidently leave dark realm , from what point i have to do this quest again ?
  2. NAME CHANGE Username : Terminatorplay New Username : AsKaro Server to charge the money from : Silver
  3. Name Change Username: Terminatorplay New Username: Darek Server to charge the money from: Silver
  4. Nie mówiąc już o tym jak oplułeś członka naszej gildi który oferował ci pomoc.
  5. Wtb your Ferrothorn for 650k
  6. Nice
  7. How much for Iron Fist Infernape?
  9. Chansey natural cure bold Post pokemon's with price.
  10. Nickname:Terminatorplay My love to pokemons started with collecting tazos from cheetos. I like pokemons because they remind me of good old times.
  11. Bid start : 1.0 M Insta : 2.5 M Minimal raise 100 k End after 3 days from first bid.
  12. 500
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