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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. if you accept trades pm me on discord aminnation#6299 ^^
  2. sold crady
  3. bumpppiii new prices:ChikoritaWTF:
  4. if u like i insta with 2m and some pokemon aminnation#6299 my discord ig aminnation fell free to pm me
  5. can be closed
  6. can you show me the luxa?
  7. can i see that milo?
  8. i can s.o with this and 3m
  9. sold sableye
  10. i chancel my offer sry
  11. sold calm volca
  12. hey we can trade
  13. who got it?
  14. i am just for 4 days not here
  15. hey the amoonguss is already sold but you can buy the kingdra we can´t trade now because i´m banned for some days so if you want we can trade later
  16. sold pory
  17. okay sure are you online now`?
  18. sold exca
  19. ferro sold
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