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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Hey, I thought about this as well but when I tried to add these balls they looked insanely ugly. That's why I dropped the idea for now.

    I might add Rocket Balls, Magma Balls etc. in the future but guild balls are denied for now.

    • Like 1
  2. Our goal is not to make them insanely hard or make users lose to them regularly. We want longer boss fights so the money-time balance is actually correct.

    With all these cheesy tactics the battles usually take a few minutes. We want them to be around 10-15 minutes, and we will make more changes regards that.

  3. Hello, only currencies added as actual currencies server-sided can be used to open Python shops that have the preview.

    Right now, the seasonal currencies are only saved and used as variables. That's why scripters cannot open a Python shop and there's no preview.


    I will add them as currencies in the server code and maybe trainer card now there's more space in the future. Sadly it's too late for the current Xmas event.

  4. Hello, we already have different plans for the Pokeballs.


    At the moment, we won't make big dig spot changes before we analyzed how the last money item nerf affected the economy. This might take a few months.

  5. I am not sure yet but with users being able to link Pokemon from their box I might add an item in the Coin Shop that allows you to open your storage everywhere read-only.


    Read-only means you cannot move Pokemon within your box, not move Pokemon from your box to your team (and vice versa) or take items from your box Pokemon.

    But you would be able to link Pokemon from your box directly in the chat or pms.


    But as I am said above, I am not sure about that yet.

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  6. Hello, the main problem with that is how they are layered. It would look really weird on many mounts cause the mount top layer is above accessories.

    There might be some accessories that have no problems with that but the one in your example is really long on side view and would look off.

  7. Hello, as previously suggested or even demanded I am thinking about rotating OU to UU.


    At the same time, many asked for Little Cup battles before but most are against hunting Pokemon you can only use for LC and nothing else.

    That's why I thought about rotating AG random battles to LC random battles when OU changes to UU.


    I thought we'd play two or three normal seasons and then one UU and LC random season.


    Please tell me your opinions about that. Do not post +1 or similar meaningless posts. Use the poll vote and reactions to express your encouragement.

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