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Posts posted by Eaty

  1. Changelog 04.11.2018:

    • All water mounts except Wailmer have the same speed now (50 % faster than normal mounts, 50 % slower than Kyogre).
    • Akatsuki Robe, Turtle School Uniform Snorlax Mounts are available in the PvE Coin shop.
    • PvE and PvP Coin shops were reworked and are actual shops now.
    • PVE Coin shop randomly chooses 5 Pokemon you can buy with 50 PvE Coins from a pool of 26 Pokemon every week.
    • PvE Coin NPC added to Celadon Mart 4, Battle Tower Entrace, Lilycove Department Store 2F, Goldenrod Mart 5 maps.
    • You have to wait 30 seconds between your posts in Trade chat now.


    Changelog 09.11.2018:

    • Most if not all reported bugs about the new client should be fixed.
    • Team Preview was completely reworked.
      • Timer changed to 60 seconds.

      [*]Weather effect visual bug was fixed.

      [*]The Pokemon sprites in Pokedex preview forms and shinies now if you left click them.EUzzL2yn4VtrDaAcLlbc7tP0J.gif

      [*]A few Pokeballs work now.

      • Level Ball
      • Lure Ball
      • Moon Ball
      • Friend Ball
      • Fast Ball
      • Repeat Ball
      • Nest Ball
      • Net Ball
      • Heal Ball

      [*]Manage Guild has a Leave Guild button now.

      [*]Many small changes/additions.

    • Like 20
  2. Hello guys, with the upcoming trophies for guilds and first rank in solo ladder I was thinking a lot about PvP. Many former PvP players have/had a problem with the alternative accounts rule in PRO.

    7. You can use only 1 of your own accounts to PvP within each season.

    It feels that PRO got less competitive after it was added. This was mainly due to the limited possibilities to test teams and that made PvP less enjoyable for many users. They were/are only able to test teams at the start of a season or with a rating loss which can be very frustrating. The unranked queue is pretty much dead and not usable for that.

    So I want your opinion about following; I want to change the rule so that you are allowed to use alternative accounts but you are not allowed to have more than one account on ladder at the end of a season. You don't have to lose intentionally to do so but can simply ask a staff to remove it. If not a punishment will follow.

    Many people might complain about the guild rating but in all honesty, you don't really get anything for a higher position on it and if someone is willing to make the effort to play on multiple accounts then he should be rewarded as everyone is allowed to do the same.


    Current rating:
    Season you were on ladder:


    You are only allowed to vote if you have at least 200 rating in the current season or were on ladder at the end of a season.


    Qeight edit:

    The following rules would still apply:

    2. Each person is allowed a maximum of four owned accounts. You may only have one account per email.

    5. Intentionally boost the rating of another account, in any way, is forbidden, and action will be taken if caught.
    • Like 12

    By registering to PRO, you agree to follow all of PRO's rules. Breaking any of PRO's rules will result in disciplinary action on your account. Appropriate punishments are issued per infraction. You can read the Punishment Policy for an idea of what punishment may follow for each infraction.


    If your account is ever sanctioned due to breaking any of PRO's rules, you have the right to appeal. During the appeal process, we take careful consideration of the rule breaking, your behaviour whilst appealing, your honesty and your punishment record.


    Overall Game Rules

    • 1. By registering to PRO (Pokemon Revolution Online), you agree and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions and these Game Rules.


    • 2. Each person is allowed a maximum of four owned accounts.
      This includes, but is not limited to:
      • Any account created counts towards your 4 total, not just active ones. 0 hours, 0 badges, never played on? They count.
        • Received accounts, count towards your total.
        • Given away accounts, do not count towards your total anymore.
        • Received/Given away only count if you changed the password/email of said account otherwise it still belongs to the original creator
      • Exploiting more than 4 allowed accounts in order to gain mass profit or frequently gaining large amounts of income. If someone has quit PRO and gave their account to you, take anything you want at once and stop using it only if you already own 4 accounts. Be aware doing this may trigger a ban in which you will need to appeal and provide proper evidence of the account being given to you.
        • (Example: Having the password of more than 4 accounts you received by people who are inactive in order to fight bosses, doing PvE quests to receive rewards, or progressing during a Special Event in order to receive one time rewards such as Reroll Tickets, etc...)


    • 3. Account sharing isn't recommended but allowed none the less.
      • The account owner will be held accountable for any infraction committed on the account.
      • Accounts shared with you do not count as one of your 4 accounts unless you are given full ownership of said account.
      • We do not offer support in proxy cases where you are banned due to connections to another user. Your IP and device are your responsibility.


    • 4. Real Money/ World Trading is strictly prohibited and all accounts involved will receive a permanent ban if done.
      This includes, but is not limited to:
      • Buying or selling anything in PRO for money or goods in real life.
      • Exchanging anything in PRO for items, money, etc on another game.
      • Buying or selling an account on PRO for money or goods in-game. (Example: Coin Capsule, etc.)
      • Buying or selling an account on PRO for money or goods in real life.
      • Buying or selling an account on PRO for CC.


    • 5. Using any kind of unauthorised software, hacking or editing the PRO game/ client is prohibited.
      Unauthorised software includes:
      • Any kind of automated software. (Bots, Macro).
      • Software which injects into PRO's files to give unfair advantages. (Speed hacking).
      • External software that gives unfair advantages, which is not endorsed by PRO.


    • 6. Abusing glitches, and not reporting them as soon as possible, will result in sanctions.
      • Accounts which abuse bugs will not be unbanned unless all illegitimate gains can be removed from the account.


    • 7. Not reporting incriminating evidence, helping a user evade a ban, and hiding illegally gained belongings are all strictly forbidden.
      This includes, but is not limited to:
      • Not reporting a user who you know has cheated or abused bugs.
      • Sharing accounts with a user who is permanently banned.
      • Trading stolen, botted or illegitimately gained Pokemon, items, money, etc whilst knowing of their origin.
      • Not reporting a Staff Member who abuses position, leaks Staff-only information to users or leaks unpublished PRO content.


    • 8. Exploiting Bosses to excessively gain income is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
      • Selling or buying Boss Service.
      • Fight Bosses on more than 4 accounts, regardless of ownership.
      • Fight Bosses on both servers with the same account. If you transferred, you will have to wait for the cooldown on the other server to end in order to rechallenge.


    • 9. The Trade Rules must be followed at all times.
      • Rules may differ depending on which platform the user is trading on (Forums, In-game, Discord Chat).
      • Scamming another user when trading will result in an immediate permanent ban.


    • 10. By playing PRO's Ranked PvP, you agree to the PvP Rules.
      • The PvP rules do not apply to the unranked/ friendly battles.


    • 11. By engaging in the in-game chats, you agree and acknowledge the Chat Rules.
      • Private channel owners/ Guild leaders have the right to moderate their channels.
      • Insults and harassment are never acceptable, even when done in private channels.
      • PRO Staff will only moderate private messages if they are reported via the Report Center.


    • 12. Deplorable behaviour, profanity, spamming and posting inappropriate/ adult content are all against the rules.
      • PRO Staff will report you to the appropriate authorities if your offence is considered illegal.


    • 13. Posting malicious links, such as phishing links, adult content, or anything inappropriate for children is prohibited.


    • 14. Impersonating a member of PRO staff is strictly prohibited and will result in harsh sanctioning if attempted.
      • If username based, the infringing account will be permanently suspended without question.


    • 15. When registering an account, you must not take a username that is inappropriate for children.
      • You may be questioned or permanently banned if your name is deemed inappropriate.


    • 16. Gaining unauthorised access to another user's account is strictly prohibited and will be met with severe consequences.
    • 17. PVE Ladder related rules (currently active only during specific event but rule is valid in any PVE ladder will be released from now on) :
      • Any form of boosting is prohibited. (Example, having someone else play for you in order to enter ladder regardless if free or paid)
      • You are allowed to have only one single account in a server PVE ladder. 



    PRO's Rules apply to all official PRO Scope. This includes the forum, game, Discord servers as well as any officially owned platform.

    Infractions done against a member of staff may receive additional or harsher punishments depending on the nature of the infraction.

    Member's of PRO's staff team and anyone representing PRO (Discord moderation, acknowledged contributors, etc) are not exempt from the rules and will be punished significantly harder if they break them.

    • Like 25
    • Haha 2
    • Checked/Done 14
  4. As many of you didn't fully understand how it was meant, we give a short explanation of some things.


    Difficulty levels:

    Easy: Pokemon have no EVs (slightly stronger than E4).

    Medium: Pokemon have 252 EVs (slightly stronger than current bosses).

    Hard: Pokemon have 400 EVs (slightly harder than current superbosses).



    - Eggs will be sync- and tradable.

    - You will probably be able to buy eggs with PvE Coins.

    - Eggs will be named after the Pokemon that's in the egg, so it's not mysterious at all (Charmander Egg for example).


    No guaranteed shiny rewards:

    - This does not mean you don't have any shiny chance for eggs.

    - Pokemon that can only be shiny as a reward (Magikarp for example) will be removed.


    Remove PvP Coin items:

    - We are talking about Choice Scarf and PvP shop exclusive mounts.

    - Consumable will still be obtainable.


    Restriction for bosses:

    This only counts for bosses and not for the players.

    That means bosses can not have megas or more than 2 legendaries anymore.



    - Obviously, not all bosses will have the same eggs and items as rewards.

    - 20-40k money rewards might be a nerf for some bosses but a buff overall.

    You currently get around $800.000 for a boss run while it will change to 1,2-2,4m afterwards (as we have around 60 bosses).

    - You can get the same rewards at every difficulty level, the chance to get a higher tier rewards raises with the difficulty level.

    - Bosses such as Brock will still keep Fossils etc. Those rewards are just an example to understand the concept.


    The money reward from 5-26k will be changed from 12-30k.

    • Like 11
  5. It seems like money reward from bosses will hava huge nerf. This is one thing I don't like. Reward like current PC Boss, Pewdie, Love Island, and others, will be missed. And also, to get a decent amount of cash you will have to face always strong bosses with no items allowed.

    It's a nerf for some bosses but a buff overall as you get more money for doing all bosses (by a lot).

  6. [uSER=1661637]@SyaoranLi[/uSER] and I are currently reworking the bosses and need your opinions/suggestions.


    Restrictions for bosses

    - No megas anymore.

    - A maximum of 2 legendary Pokemon.

    - A maximum of 1 shiny or form Pokemon.

    - No guaranteed shiny rewards anymore.

    - Teams have to be discussed with testers.

    - Remove all PVP Coin items from boss rewards.

    - Every boss needs custom messages that have character.


    Possible template

    There are 3 difficulty levels:

    Easy: Pokemon have no EVs.

    Medium: 252 EVs on all Pokemon.

    Hard: 400 EVs on all Pokemon, you can't use items.


    - All Pokemon have 31 IVs and are level 100.

    - Medium and Hard have hold items.

    - All Pokemon have the best possible natures and abilities.

    - Easy doesn't give a win for the third-win reward.

    - You have to be the region champion to challenge the boss.


    Rewards are split in 3 tiers:

    Tier 1: 5-10x Focus Sash, 5-10x Weakness Policy, 5-10x Air Balloon, 5-15x Lum Berry, 5-10x Sitrus Berry

    Tier 2: 5-10x PP Up, 3-8x Rare Candy, 1x Small Train Ticket, Corphish Egg

    Tier 3: 1x Gible Egg, 1x Dratini Egg, 1x Bunnelby Egg, 1x Scyther Egg


    Easy: 85% chance for tier 1, 10% for tier 2 and 5% for tier 3 rewards, 5-10k money reward.

    Medium: 80% chance for tier 1, 10% for tier 2 and 10% for tier 3 rewards, 5-26k money reward, +2 PvE Coins.

    Hard: 60% chance for tier 1, 25% for tier 2 and 15% for tier 3 rewards, 20-40k money reward, +4 PvE Coins.


    - Third-win rewards let you choose a reward from tier 3.

    - No requirements to fight bosses anymore other than reaching the maps where the bosses are.

    - If a user has less than 100 hours playtime the boss will give a warning that it might be better to try the easy level or keep training.

    • Like 14
  7. Hello, I want your opinion about two things I want to change.


    1. Legendary nature rerolls let you choose the nature you want.
      • Price might be adjusted.
      • This also helps to play legendaries with different sets.

    [*]Birth Island only lets you encounter legendaries you didn't catch yet.

    • You are not able to catch the legendary in the story anymore if you caught it on Birth Island.


    Please use following format:

    PVP rating:
    Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes/No
    Vote for Birth Island: Yes/No

    • Like 18
  8. This update got rollbacked due to issues arising from it, therefore the changes listed in this specific post aren't in game until further notice.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    - Fixed a bug that caused many crashes recently.

    - Soul Dew works now.

    - Baton-Pass works correctly now. It passes SPATK now.

    - Trace works correctly now.

    - Unburden works correctly now.

    - Trick + Choice items works correctly now.

    - Pixie Plate works now.

    - Draco Plate works now.

    - Dread Plate works now.

    - Earth Plate works now.

    - Fist Plate works now.

    - Sky Plate works now.

    - Flame Plate works now.

    - Icicle Plate works now.

    - Insect Plate works now.

    - Iron Plate works now.

    - Meadow Plate works now.

    - Mind Plate works now.

    - Splash Plate works now.

    - Spooky Plate works now.

    - Stone Plate works now.

    - Toxic Plate works now.

    - Zap Plate works now.

    - Bug Gem works now.

    - Dark Gem works now.

    - Dragon Gem works now.

    - Electric Gem works now.

    - Fairy Gem works now.

    - Fighting Gem works now.

    - Fire Gem works now.

    - Flying Gem works now.

    - Ghost Gem works now.

    - Grass Gem works now.

    - Ground Gem works now.

    - Ice Gem works now.

    - Normal Gem works now.

    - Poison Gem works now.

    - Psychic Gem works now.

    - Rock Gem works now.

    - Steel Gem works now.

    - Water Gem works now.

    - A bug where Registeel had None as ability was fixed.

    - Stored Power works now.

    - Tailwind works now.

    • Like 25
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