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Everything posted by Dorade

  1. Hello, yes it is available !
  2. Added Larvesta, Heracross and wooper
  3. Added Pvpable Summer Crit'Dra, Halloween ha weavile, Shiny Swellow and dragonite.
  4. Added some Klefki, Alolan Marowak, ditto and PVP ready volcarona Also lowered many prices
  5. Added PvP ready Azumarill, jolly Bisharp, Alakazam(hp ice), sassy ferrothorn. Added event form easter marill
  6. Hello Sure ! Let me know on discord when you are available
  7. Hello Sure ! I was afk for a few days but i'm back. Let's discuss our common availiabilities in discord
  8. Thank you Szotyisdraven !
  9. Hello, Unfortunately i won't go below 1m for slowbro. Please aknowledge that i can accept other currencies.
  10. Added few pokemon (ha karp, jolly chimchar, few rotoms, etc...)
  11. Added Hp ice manectric and shiny pidgeot. Both PVP ready !
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